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Руководство по разработке композиций на основе ПВХ
1170 грн
Данная книга – ваш путеводитель в мире ПВХ-рецептур и последовательное руководство по их получению. В книге представлены все этапы разработки рецептуры смеси, описаны все основные ингредиенты композиции и распространенные добавки к ним. Подробно рассмотрены все аспекты создания смеси, показано как модифицировать основу под специфические требования к готовому..
Основи технології еластомерів і формування з них виробів
255 грн
Запропоновано поглиблений курс з технології еластомерів і формування з них виробів. Розглянуто класифікацію еластомерів і основні способи їх одержання. Описано механізми вулканізації каучyків, методи і способи її здійснення. Розглянуто склад систем, що вулканізуються, класифікацію та призначення інгредієнтів ґумових сумішей, а також основні процеси виробницт..
Полімерна упаковка
800 грн
Книга присвячена полімерній упаковці, яка впевнено лідирує на пакувальних ринках. Маючи численні конкурентні переваги, полімерна упаковка відповідає як сучасним тенденціям розвитку упаковки, так і вимогам споживачів продукції. Вона безпечна, зручна, інформативна, економічна та екологічна. Книга складається з 11 розділів та охоплює всі складові уявлення про ..
Полимеры на основе N-винилсукцинимида
500 грн
В монографии представлены результаты комплексного исследования радикальной полимеризации N-винилсукцинимида, его сополимеризации с другими мономерами. Установлена взаимосвязь строения мономеров, кинетических параметров процессов (со)полимеризации и природы реакционной среды. Выявлены основные факторы, оказывающие влияние на реакционную способность мономеров ..
Правила охорони праці під час роботи з полімерними композитними матеріалами (ПКМ)
110 грн
НПАОП 25.0-1.02-13..
Структура и свойства наполненного ПВХ
935 грн
Книга обобщает работы автора, отечественных и западных специалистов в области структуры, механических свойств, термодинамики, реологии расплавов, разработки композиций от жестких ударопрочных до пластифицированных, включая пластизоли. Слово «наполнитель» в книге предлагается трактовать, как любой компонент в матрице ПВХ, имеющий границу раздела с последней, ..
Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries
2496 грн
Because enzyme-catalyzed reactions exhibit higher enantioselectivity, regioselectivity, substrate specificity, and stability, they require mild conditions to react while prompting higher reaction efficiency and product yields. Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries examines the use of catalysts to produce fine chemicals and chiral in..
Biodrug Delivery Systems
2912 грн
Biodrug Delivery Systems: Fundamentals, Applications and Clinical Development presents the work of an international group of leading experts in drug development and biopharmaceutical science who discuss the latest advances in biodrug delivery systems and associated techniques. The book discusses components of successful formulation, delivery, and production ..
Chemical Modification of Biological Polymers
2496 грн
Examining the chemical modification of biological polymers and the emerging applications of this technology, Chemical Modification of Biological Polymers reflects the change in emphasis in this subsection of biotechnology from the study of protein structure and function toward applications in therapeutics and diagnostics. Highlights ..
Current Topics in Elastomers Research
1830 грн
From weather-proof tires and artificial hearts to the o-rings and valve seals that enable successful space exploration, rubber is an indispensable component of modern civilization. Stiff competition and stringent application requirements foster continuous challenges requiring manufacturers to fund ever-expanding research projects. However, this vast and grow..
Flexible and Stretchable Electronic Composites
3619 грн
This book is the first comprehensive collection of electronic aspects of different kinds of elastomer composites, including combinations of synthetic, natural and thermoplastic elastomers with different conducting fillers like metal nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, or graphenes, and many more. It covers elastomer composites, which are useful in electronic ap..
Food Packaging
2122 грн
Food Packaging: Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Innovations is a one-stop reference for packaging materials researchers working across various industries. With chapters written by leading international researchers from industry, academia, government, and private research institutions, this book offers a broad view of important developments in food pack..
Functional Polymers
5824 грн
This new book covers the synthetic as well application aspects of functional polymers. It highlights modern trends in the field and showcases the recent characterization techniques that are being employed in the field of polymer science. The chapters are written by top-notch scientists who are internationally recognized in the field. The chapters will highli..
Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology, Third Edition
8112 грн
This fully revised and updated third edition of Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology encompasses the scientific and technical foundation for the rationale, design, componentry, assembly and quality performance metrics of therapeutic inhalers in their delivery of pharmaceutical aerosols to treat symptoms or the underlying causes of disease. It focuses..
Polymer Melt Fracture
2496 грн
The continually growing plastics market consists of more than 250 million tons of product annually, making the recurring problem of polymer melt fracture an acute issue in the extrusion of these materials. Presenting a pictorial library of the different forms of melt fracture and real industrial extrusion melt fracture phenomena, Polymer Melt Fracture provid..
Polymer Membranes for Fuel Cells
2808 грн
Fuel cell is considered to be one of the most promising clean energy sources since it does not generate toxic gases and other hazardous compounds. It is currently an important research topic in all leading automobile and energy industries and also considered as reaching the threshold of commercialization. Among various kinds of fuel cells, polymer electrolyt..
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
2184 грн
Emphasis is on a broad description of the general methods and processes for the synthesis, modification and characterization of macromolecules. These more fundamental chapters will be supplemented by selected and detailed experiments. In addition to the preparative aspects the book also gives the reader an impression on the relation of chemical constitution ..
Polymeric Biomaterials2 Volume Set
4576 грн
Biomaterials have had a major impact on the practice of contemporary medicine and patient care. Growing into a major interdisciplinary effort involving chemists, biologists, engineers, and physicians, biomaterials development has enabled the creation of high-quality devices, implants, and drug carriers with greater biocompatibility and biofunctionality. The ..
Polymers for Dental and Orthopedic Applications (Полімери для стоматологічного та орт..
3000 грн
Recent advances not only in the creation of new polymers but also in their processing and production have ushered in huge strides in a variety of biomedical and clinical areas. Orthopedics and dentistry are two such areas that benefit immensely from developments in polymer science and technology. Polymers for Dental and Orthopedic Applications examines the m..
Polyurethane Elastomers. From Morphology to Mechanical Aspects
3744 грн
A comprehensive account of the physical / mechanical behaviour of polyurethanes (PU´s) elastomers, films and blends of variable crystallinity. Aspects covered include the elasticity and inelasticity of amorphous to crystalline PUs, in relation to their sensitivity to chemical and physical structure. A study is made of how aspects of the constitutive response..
Proteinase and Peptidase Inhibition
2496 грн
Cellular proteinases and their physiological role in normal and disease states have been the subject of great interest over recent decades. At present, specific protease inhibitors are exploited both as tools in unraveling the role of individual proteinases in particular cellular processes and for the development of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment ..
Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites
2496 грн
Admired for their extraordinary stimuli-sensitive behavior and shape-changing capabilities, shape-memory polymers (SMPs) and multifunctional composites are among the most important smart materials. They continue to be widely applied in many diverse fields to create things such as self-deployable spacecraft structures, morphing structures, SMP foams, smart te..
Silicone Surface Science
4992 грн
Silicone Surface Science offers a survey of the major topics concerning the properties and behavior of silicone surfaces. It covers all main aspects of the subject, including: polydimethylsiloxane, spread monolayers, self-assembled monolayers, hydrophobicity and super-hydrophobicity, coupling agents, surfactants, fluorosilicones, surface treatments and surfa..
Smart Polymers
2496 грн
The first book to tackle the application of smart polymers in bioseparation and bioprocessing, Smart Polymers: Applications in Biotechnology and Biomedicine broke new ground in this challenging field. Completely revised, updated, and following in the footsteps of its predecessor, the second edition is poised to take its place as a premier reference in this f..