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Институт компьютерных исследований
Вода. Структура и теплофизические параметры
500 грн
Рассмотрены общие свойства воды.Разработана феноменологическая модель структуры воды. Рассчитаны массовые доли элементов структуры воды в широком диапазоне изменения параметров.Показано соотношение внутренней энергии, энтальпии, ионного произведения, энтропии, теплоемкости и других теплофизических параметров с элементами структуры воды.Величина энтальпии опр..
Прикладна механіка
900 грн
У підручнику викладено основні розділи прикладної механіки — теоретичну механіку (статику, кінематику, динаміку), теорію механізмів і машин, опір матеріалів та деталі машин. Матеріали підручника відповідають сучасним вимогам до курсу прикладної механіки для вищих навчальних закладів. Поряд з основними теоретичними положеннями розділів дисципліни, надається б..
Теплові насоси
2530 грн
Air source heat pumps are mainly used for space heating, and have the advantages of environmental protection, energy saving, and comfort. Written by a leading heat pump technology expert, this book summarizes the research and applications of variable volume ratio two-stage vapor compression air source heat pump technology, and its use in cold climate regions..
1955 грн
Connecting past, present, and future instrument development and use, Biocalorimetry: Foundations and Contemporary Approaches explores biocalorimetry’s history, fundamentals, methodologies, and applications. Some of the most prominent calorimeter developers and users share invaluable personal accounts of discovery, discussing innovative techniques as well as ..
Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics
2704 грн
Bridging the gap between research and clinical application, Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics explores the use of biosensors as effective alternatives to the current standard methods in cancer diagnosis and detection. It describes the major aspects involved in detecting and diagnosing cancer as well as the basic elements of biosens..
Current Topics in Elastomers Research
1830 грн
From weather-proof tires and artificial hearts to the o-rings and valve seals that enable successful space exploration, rubber is an indispensable component of modern civilization. Stiff competition and stringent application requirements foster continuous challenges requiring manufacturers to fund ever-expanding research projects. However, this vast and grow..
Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science
2496 грн
The Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science analyzes achievements, new trends, and perspectives of photonics in its application to biomedicine. With contributions from world-renowned experts in the field, the handbook describes advanced biophotonics methods and techniques intensively developed in recent years. Addressing the latest problems in biom..
Heat Exchanger Design Handbook
3744 грн
Completely revised and updated to reflect current advances in heat exchanger technology, Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Second Edition includes enhanced figures and thermal effectiveness charts, tables, new chapter, and additional topics––all while keeping the qualities that made the first edition a centerpiece of information for practicing engineers, resea..
Webb's Physics of Medical Imaging
3328 грн
Since the publication of the best-selling, highly acclaimed first edition, the technology and clinical applications of medical imaging have changed significantly. Gathering these developments into one volume, Webb’s Physics of Medical Imaging, Second Edition presents a thorough update of the basic physics, modern technology and many examples of clinical appl..
Термодинаміка і теплоенергетика (Thermodynamics and Heat Power)
2750 грн
The ninth edition of Thermodynamics and Heat Power contains a revised sequence of thermodynamics concepts including physical properties, processes, and energy systems, to enable the attainment of learning outcomes by Engineering and Engineering Technology students taking an introductory course in thermodynamics. Built around an easily understandabl..