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Clark's Essential Guide to Clinical Ultrasound (Практичне керівництво з УЗД)
1500 грн
This easy-to-understand pocketbook in the highly respected Clark’s stable of diagnostic imaging texts is an invaluable tool for students, sonographers and other ultrasound practitioners, providing practical guidance on clinical ultrasound procedures, summarising current relevant literature and professional body guidelines.The content is arranged by anatomica..
Essentials of Abdomino-Pelvic Sonography (Основи абдомінально-тазової сонографії)
2340 грн
Sonography has emerged as a substantial diagnostic tool today. This handbook aims to cover ultrasound physics, abdominal and obstetric sonography, color Doppler, high resolution sonography and USG guided interventions with multiple choice questions and case reports for practical orientation...
Інтервенційні радіологічні процедури (Kandarpa Handbook of Interventional Radiologic ..
3400 грн
Focusing on time-tested protocols, tailored imaging and current procedural equipment, this popular, practical handbook by Drs. Krishna Kandarpa, Lindsay Machan, Robert Lewandowski, and Parag J. Patel features extensive updates to keep you current with rapid growth in the field. Now in brilliant full color throughout, Kandarpa Handbook of Interventional ..
Ін’єкції опорно-рухового апарату під ультразвуковим контролем
6160 грн
An ideal "how-to" guide for those who perform musculoskeletal injections, this unique multimedia resource by Drs. Gina M. Allen and David John Wilson demonstrates how to make the most out of the clear visualization provided by ultrasound-guided techniques.High-quality line drawings, clinical photographs, and ultrasound images clearly depict patient presentat..
Атлас ехокардіографії (Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography)
2500 грн
A highly successful introduction to echocardiography, now in a new and enhanced editionIn diagnostic cardiology, the effectiveness and reliability of state-of-the-art echocardiography is unsurpassed but-as with all ultrasound examinations-the results are highly operator dependent. The second edition of Boehmeke's Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography is..
Атлас рентгенологічних досліджень молочних залоз
300 грн
Книга розрахована на лікарів променевої діагностики, УЗД, мамологів. Ціль книги - вивчення специфічного зображення структури молочних залоз, визначеного променевими методами досліджень (рентген, ультразвук), його аналіз з пропозицією варіантів формування протоколів досліджень на основі міжнародної системи класифікації патології BIRADS. На сучасному етапі роз..
Вимірювання при ультразвуковому дослідженні (Measurement in Ultrasound)
3740 грн
Measurement and interpretation of key ultrasound parameters are essential to differentiate normal anatomy from pathology. By using Measurement in Ultrasound, trainee radiologists and ultrasonographers can gain an appreciation of such measurements, while practitioners can use it as a valuable reference in the clinical setting.The book follows a consistent for..
Діагностика захворювань молочної залози (Breast Imaging: The Core Requisites)
3850 грн
Focusing on high-yield information, Breast Imaging: The Core Requisites, 4th Edition emphasizes the basics to help you establish a foundational understanding of breast imaging during rotations, refresh your knowledge of key concepts, and learn strategies to provide "value-added" reports to referring clinicians. This completely rewritten and reorganized editi..
Діагностична візуалізація: акушерство
15400 грн
Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Obstetrics, fourth edition, is an invaluable resource for radiologists, perinatologists, and trainees-anyone who requires an easily accessible, highly visual reference on today's obstetric imaging. Dr. Paula J.Woodward and a team of highly regarded experts provide up-to-date inform..
Мамографія (Mammographic Imaging)
5200 грн
The 4th Edition of Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide remains the most up-to-date and comprehensive book in the field. A perfect all-in-one solution for coursework, board prep, and clinical practice, this bestseller reflects the latest ARRT educational and certification exam requirements, as well as the ASRT recommended curriculum. Technologists seeking..
Новые ультразвуковые технологии в ангиологии. Руководство для врачей
1500 грн
В руководстве рассмотрены новые ультразвуковые технологии, позволяющие расширить возможности ультразвуковой диагностики в ангиологии, описаны физические основы формирования изображения.Показаны возможности применения данных технологий в наиболее распространенных клинических ситуациях, составляющих значительную часть в структуре заболеваемости атеросклерозом ..
Пренатальная диагностика при многоплодной беременности
960 грн
В книге подробно представлены вопросы пренатальной диагностики и ведения беременности при различных типах двойни. Описаны особенности скрининга хромосомной патологии плода при многоплодной беременности, а также тактика ведения беременности при выявлении хромосомного заболевания или порока развития у одного из плодов.Одна из глав посвящена тактике ведения бер..
Променева діагностика захворювань молочної залози (Clinical Breast Imaging)
5940 грн
Maximize your interpretative skills in breast imaging with this clinically oriented resource . Ideal for residents in radiology , this image-rich text fosters the development of skills necessary to facilitate and maximize interpretive skills in all aspects of breast imaging from mammography ultrasound , and MRI to imaging-guided procedures . This title will ..
УЗД молочних залоз (Breast Ultrasound)
4400 грн
This book is an ideal manual on the use of modern ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast pathology. It provides a comprehensive overview of current ultrasound techniques and explains the advantages and pitfalls of various ultrasound imaging modalities. Detailed attention is devoted to breast carcinoma, with guidance on differential diagnosis and presentation ..
УЗД судин: як, навіщо і коли
3000 грн
Now in its fourth edition, Vascular Ultrasound offers a compact yet comprehensive practical guide for anyone working in the field of vascular sonography. The book is written by expert practitioners as an easily accessible reference, providing key information suited to sonographers in their day-to-day practice. It covers essential vascular investigations unde..
Ультразвуковая диагностика заболеваний вен нижних конечностей
2700 грн
Монография посвящена вопросам ультразвуковой диагностики хронических заболеваний вен нижних конечностей. Со времени выхода первого издания этой книги подходы к лечению значительно изменились, появились новые технологии, требующие выработки современных принципов проведения ультразвукового исследования и интерпретации его результатов.В монографии исправлены и ..
Ультразвуковая диагностика заболеваний мочевыделительной системы у детей
1500 грн
В монографии представлены современные возможности эхографии, включая трехмерную реконструкцию, в диагностике заболеваний органов мочевыделительной системы у детей. Приведены топографическая и ультразвуковая анатомия мочевыделительной системы. Рассмотрены возможности эхографии в оценке эффективности лечения и осуществлении контроля при выполнении пункционной ..
Ультразвукове дослідження молочних залоз (Breast Ultrasound)
3025 грн
This book is a detailed, accessible and comprehensive reference manual reflecting current guidance & citing recent peer-reviewed evidence. It is written by and for radiographers. Through text and diagrams the fundamental skills and techniques for acquisition of high quality diagnostic images are explained and demonstrated; high quality ultrasound images ..
Ультразвукове дослідження щитовидної залози
4950 грн
This book is a wide-ranging and up-to-date guide to the use of ultrasound for imaging of the thyroid that will meet the needs of novices while providing more experienced professionals with advanced information. All of the techniques employed in modern thyroid ultrasound are covered, from conventional grayscale and Doppler imaging to elastography and contrast..
Ультразвуковое исследование молочной железы в онкологии
1090 грн
В руководстве подробно описана методика осмотра молочной железы и зон регионарного метастазирования; ультразвуковая анатомия молочной железы, а также эхографическая семиотика различных доброкачественных заболеваний молочной железы с использованием допплерографии. Отдельные главы посвящены злокачественным новообразованиям молочной железы и метастазам в лимфат..
Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound
1404 грн
A concise, superbly illustrated (print + electronic) textbook that brings together a reliable, clear and up to date guide to surface anatomy and its underlying gross anatomy, combined with a practical application of ultrasound and other imaging modalities.A thorough understanding of surface anatomy remains a critical part of clinical practice, but with impro..
Mammography Screening
2200 грн
This book gives plenty of examples of ad hominem attacks, intimidation, slander, threats of litigation, deception, dishonesty, lies and other violations of good scientific practice. For some years I kept a folder labeled Dishonesty in breast cancer screening on top of my filing cabinet, storing articles and letters to the editor that contained statements I k..
Practical Handbook for Ultrasound-guided Botulinum Toxin Injection
1581 грн
Human being's care and medicine as a science require that the knowledge and experience of the individual can be shared and enriched by comparison with many others. This is the goal of the authors - doctors belonging to different specialist fields (neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, radiology) - who have recognized the common need to communicate..
Ультразвукова діагностика. Фізика та обладнання (Diagnostic Ultrasound)
3750 грн
This popular text provides a comprehensive, yet accessible, introduction to the physics and technology of medical ultrasound, with high quality ultrasound images and diagrams throughout. Covering all aspects of the field at a level that meetings the requirements of accredited sonography courses, it is ideal for both trainee and qualified healthcare professio..