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Основи біохімії за Ленінджером/ Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry

  • 4250 грн
  • Автор: David L. Nelson; Michael M. Cox
  • Видавництво: Macmillan
  • Рік видання: 2021
  • Сторінок: 1248
  • Склад: Доставка з Англії 15-30 днів

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8e continues to help students navigate the complex discipline of biochemistry with a clear and coherent presentation.  Renowned authors David Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins have focused this eighth edition around the fundamental principles to help students understand and navigate the most important aspects of biochemistry.  Text features and digital resources in the new Achieve platform emphasize this focus on the principles, while coverage of recent discoveries and the most up-to-date research provide fascinating context for learning the dynamic discipline of biochemistry

  • ‘Chemical Logic’ discusses the common biochemical reaction types that underlie all metabolic reactions, helping students to connect organic chemistry with biochemistry, and ‘Chemical Logic Figures’ highlight the conversation of mechanisms and illustrate patterns that make learning pathways easier. (Provided for each of the central metabolic pathways.)
  •  Strong on visualization including ‘Clear Art’ molecular structures created specifically for Lehninger to keep consistency with color and shape schemes, understandable figures which include numbers with annotated steps to explain complex processes, mechanism figures features step-by-step descriptions to help students understand the reaction process and summary figures to help students keep the big picture in mind while learning the specific.
  • This text has an emphasis on problem solving with in text ‘Worked Examples’ that take students through particular difficult equations to improve their quantitative problem-solving skills, and data ‘Analysis Problems’ that encourage students to synthesize what they have learned and apply their knowledge to the interpretation of data from the literature. More than 600 end-of-chapter problems (all available in Achieve) are also included to give students further opportunity to practice what they have learned.
  • Tools for understanding are provided including ‘Key Conventions’ and ‘Special Themes’ (Metabolic Integration, Obesity, and Diabetes, Evolution) as well as ‘Medical Insights and Applications-Icons’ used throughout the book denote material of special medical interest and updated to reflect the most current content.
  • ‘Skills You Need’ activities support students with review and practice of prerequisite skills and concepts from chemistry, biology, and math for each biochemistry chapter.

Achieve is Macmillan Learning’s complete online learning system. It houses instructor resources to support teaching and a range of interactive resources and the full e-textbook to help students succeed in their course. Access to Achieve for instructors is available on this page. Student access to Achieve could be through their institution if the institution has signed a license or as a separate student purchase. The instructor must set up a course for students to benefit from this product.

  • ISBN: 9781319381493
  • Мова видання: EN
  • Тип обкладинки: М'яка
  • Розмір: 220 х 285 мм
  • Вага: 2,500г

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