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Атлас анатомії нижньої кінцівки

  • 3300 грн
  • Автор: Bari M. Logan
  • Видавництво: Elsevier
  • Рік видання: 2017
  • Сторінок: 192
  • Склад: Доставка з Англії 15-30 днів

Understand foot, ankle and lower limb anatomy visually and clinically. McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy is the ideal study aid or trusted visual reference for the range of students and practitioners who require a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the foot, ankle and lower limb. It provides you with the perfect grasp of all the important lower limb structures that are likely to be encountered in practice or in the anatomy lab.

Superb images of dissections, osteology, radiographic and surface anatomy offer an unmatched view of muscles, nerves, skeletal structures, blood vessels and more. Figures are accompanied by concise notes and commentaries, as well as orientational artworks to help you locate the structure accurately on the body. This updated fifth edition offers increased clinical relevance and features an entirely new chapter on Imaging of the Lower Limb, reflecting the very latest modalities and techniques.

It also comes with the complete, enhanced eBook for the first time.? All new state-of-the-art clinical imaging chapter - provides new insights and reflects anatomy as seen in modern practice Easily correlates essential anatomy with clinical practice - through over 200 high-quality photographs, combined with explanatory illustrations for more complex areas and concise, accompanying notes throughout Bonus information in Appendices - including practical guidance to administering nerve blocks accurately and effectively in the regional anaesthesia section Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase - this enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Mostly life-size dissections and osteology - corresponds to what students/practitioners will see in the dissection lab or in real life Includes radiography and surface anatomy pictures - helps maximise clinical relevance (and necessary for modern courses) Orientational and explanatory artworks - helps the reader to position on the body Short accompanying text - expands on the illustrations and serves as study tool Numbered labels - helps facilitate self-testing Appendix containing key information on Skin, Muscles, Arteries and Nerves All new and expanded 'Imaging' chapter to reflect what is seen in current teaching and practice Revised section on regional anaesthesia of the lower limb, to improve layout and reflect practice updates Print + electronic package for the first time, incorporating new and enhanced eBook version via Expert Consult

  • ISBN: 9780702072185
  • Мова видання: EN
  • Тип обкладинки: Тверда
  • Розмір: 215 х 270 мм
  • Вага: 800г

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