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Розширена аналітика та ШІ: вплив, впровадження та майбутнє (Advanced Analytics and AI: Impact, Implementation, and the Future of Work)

  • 1560 грн
  • Автор: Tony Boobier
  • Видавництво: WILEY
  • Рік видання: 2018
  • Сторінок: 304
  • Склад: Доставка з Англії 15-30 днів

Once thought of as science fiction, major corporations are already beginning to use cognitive systems to assist in providing wealth advice and also in medication treatment. The use of Cognitive Analytics/Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems is set to accelerate, with the expectation that it’ll be considered ‘mainstream’ in the next 5 – 10 years. It’ll change the way we as individuals interact with data and systems—and the way we run our businesses.

Cognitive Analysis and AI prepares business users for the era of cognitive analytics / artificial intelligence. Building on established texts and commentary, it specifically prepares you in terms of expectation, impact on personal roles, and responsibilities. It focuses on the specific impact on key industries (retail, financial services, utilities and media) and also on key professions (such as accounting, operational management, supply chain and risk management).

  • Shows you how users interact with the system in natural language
  • Explains how cognitive analysis/AI can source ‘big data’
  • Provides a roadmap for implementation
  • Gets you up to speed now before you get left behind

If you’re a decision maker or budget holder within the corporate context, this invaluable book helps you gain an advantage from the deployment of cognitive analytics tools.

  • ISBN: 978-1-119-39030-5
  • Мова видання: EN
  • Тип обкладинки: Тверда
  • Розмір: 170 х 240 мм
  • Вага: 500г

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