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Цифрове моделювання ландшафтів

  • 3000 грн
  • Автор: Nadia Amoroso
  • Видавництво: Routledge
  • Рік видання: 2015
  • Сторінок: 292
  • Склад: Доставка з Англії 15-30 днів
Most landscape architectural designs now include some form of digital representation - but there is much more scope for creativity beyond the standard Photoshop montages. In this new book on representing landscapes, Nadia Amoroso brings together contributions from some of the leading landscape departments in the world to explore the variety in digital illustration methods. In each chapter, leading lecturers, professors and practitioners in the field of landscape architecture explain a specific digital approach with the use of images from their department to show how each technique can be used in inspirational examples. Throughout the book over 200 colour images cover the spectrum of digital representation to help discuss the various drawing types which are invaluable when communicating ideas in the field of landscape architecture. With worked examples in the chapters and downloadable images suitable for class use, this is an essential book for visual communication and design studios.
  • ISBN: 9781138778382
  • Мова видання: EN
  • Тип обкладинки: М'яка
  • Розмір: 170 х 240 мм
  • Вага: 826г

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