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Плоды и овощи


Пряно-вкусовые овощные растения. Часть 2

125 грн

В издании  приведены ботаническая и хозяйственная характеристики, технология выращивания на товарные и современные цели перспективных пряно-вкусовых видов овощных растений горчицы салатной, двурядника тонколистного, дущицы обыкновенной, кервеля и шнитт-лука (резанца, скороды), рассмотрены перспективы их освоения в зонах Лесостепи и в Полесье Украины.Рек..


Товарознавство плодоовочевих товарів, пряно-ароматичних рослин та прянощів

290 грн

Наведено товарознавчу характеристику плодоовочевої сировини та продуктів її переробки. Розглянуто анатомо-морфологічну будову клітин плодів та овочів, їх хімічний склад. Надано інформацію про торговельну класифікацію, товарну якість, товарну обробку та зберігання плодоовочевої продукції. Розглянуті товарознавчі характеристики пряно-ароматичних рослин та прян..

CRC Press

Токсикологія харчових продуктів (Bio-management of Postharvest Diseases and Mycotoxig..

4950 грн

There is an ever-increasing demand for more food but one of the stumbling blocks to achieving this goal is quality and quantity losses due to various pests and pathogens and the mycotoxins synthesized by these harmful biotic entities. Thus far, strategies employed to manage these post-harvest diseases and mycotoxins decontamination include established phy..

Anness Publishing

Ферментація (Fermentation)

1210 грн

How to make your own sauerkraut, kimchi, brine pickles, kefir, kombucha, vegan dairy and moreCabbage, salt and water... and time. That’s all it takes to make one of the healthiest foods. Ferments are amazing, they not only are great-tasting, but are very good for you. Used for centuries as a natural way of food preservation, they are now known to actively im..


Фруктові олії: хімія та функціональність

4400 грн

Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality presents a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the chemistry and functionality of lipid bioactive phytochemicals found in fruit oils. The chapters in this text examine the composition, physicochemical characteristics and organoleptic attributes of each of the major fruit oils. The nutritional qu..


Чипси з рослинної сировини

440 грн

У монографії подано характеристику найбільш поширених снеків та запропоновано класифікацію чипсів із рослинної сировини. Проаналізовані фізико-хімічні та органолептичні властивості сировини (картоплі, буряка, моркви, кабачків, яблук, груш, зерна кукурудзи, сублімованих рослинних порошків та шоколаду) для чипсів та обґрунтовані вимоги до її якості для виробни..

CRC Press


2246 грн

Gain the knowledge to grow bigger and better blueberries! Blueberries: A Century of Research presents the results of basic and applied research into blueberry science and culture around the world. It contains technical reports on genetics, nutrition, physiology, culture, and harvesting of several blueberry species. Readers will find much current, helpful,..

CABI Publishing

Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruit and Vegetables

5663 грн

The third edition of this successful title presents current research and commercial uses of controlled atmosphere storage and modified atmosphere packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview. New and developed technologies for the transportation and storage of horticultural products are essential to ensure that p..

CRC Press

Enzymes in Fruit and Vegetable Processing

2496 грн

The enzyme market for the fruit and vegetable industry has grown exponentially in recent years, and while many books covering enzymes currently exist on the market, none offer the specialized focus on fruits and vegetables like this one. With contributions from more than 25 contributors who are experts in their respective fields, Enzymes in Fruit and Vegetab..

CRC Press

Fruit and Cereal Bioactives

3120 грн

Presenting up-to-date data in an easy-to-use format, this comprehensive overview of the chemistry of bioactive components of fruits and cereals addresses the role of these compounds in determining taste, flavor, and color, as well as recent claims of anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, and antioxidant capabilities. It provides detailed information on both benef..


Fruit and Vegetable Storage

1872 грн

This Brief reviews the effects of increasing and reducing atmospheric pressure on the postharvest life of fruit and vegetables. The text covers the common methods and technologies used and evaluates the history and benefits of hypobaric and hyperbaric storage. Both of these techniques have the potential to address quantitative and qualitative challenges in t..

CRC Press

Handbook of Vegetable Science and Technology

2496 грн

"Furnishes exhaustive, single-source coverage of the production and postharvest technology of more than 70 major and minor vegetables grown in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions throughout the world. Provides comparative data for each vegetable presented. "..

CRC Press

Juice Processing

2704 грн

The ability to provide quality juices that contain proper vitamins and nutritional components strongly depends on the processes fruits undergo during the various stages of industrial manufacturing. New technologies have been developed to help ensure the production of quality juices without neglecting safety. Covering both new approaches to traditional issues..

CRC Press

Microbiology of Fruits and Vegetables

2496 грн

Fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables have an excellent safety record. However, surveillance data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recent foodborne illness outbreaks have demonstrated that the incidence of foodborne illnesses linked to the consumption of contaminated fresh fruit and vegetable products may in fact be more preva..

CRC Press

Osmotic Dehydration and Vacuum Impregnation

2496 грн

This volume in the Food Preservation Technology Series presents the latest developments in the application of two solid-liquid operations, Osmotic Dehydration (OD) and Vacuum Impregnation (VI), to the food industry. An international group of experts report on the improvement of osmotic processes at atmospheric pressure for fruits and vegetables, current appl..


Peanut Processing Characteristics and Quality Evaluation

6240 грн

This book systematically covers the sensory, physical, chemical nutrition, and processing characteristics of different peanut varieties, while also providing an in-depth review of research advances in peanut processing quality. The book goes on to examine the relationship between raw materials and the qualities of peanut protein, peanut oil and other main pe..

CABI Publishing


1888 грн

Completely updated, this broad-based introductory level textbook covers the key concepts and practical technologies to slow the deterioration of harvested produce, including handling, packaging, transport, temperature management and the control of pests and diseases. The book retains the high quality colour section and the content has been revised to reflect..


Postharvest Quality Assurance of Fruits

3120 грн

This book presents a comprehensive study of the handling of fresh fruits in the developing world from harvesting to the shelf. With annual losses ranging from 30-40% due to lack of knowledge on proper handling practices and value addition, this book's information on postharvest handling and quality testing is crucial for reducing these losses and improving t..

CRC Press

Soy Applications in Food

2496 грн

Soy is prized by the food industry for both its versatility and the major role it plays in food functionality. However, only a limited amount of information is available explaining soy's full potential in food applicability. Soy Applications in Food provides insight into the different types of soy ingredients available for consumption and details the process..

CRC Press

Tomatoes and Tomato Products

2496 грн

The contributors to this book are authors of international and national standing, leaders in the field and trendsetters. The book covers emerging fields of science and important discoveries relating to tomatoes and related products. This represents a one-stop shopping of material related to tomatoes. This book will be essential reading for plant scientists, ..


Оптимізація технології заморожування плодоовочевої продукції

156 грн

Монографія розрахована на широке коло фахівців, наукових співробітників та здобувачів вищої освіти, які вивчають технологію зберігання плодоовочевої продукції...


Технологічне обладнання консервних заводів

500 грн

В підручнику описано технологічне обладнання консервних виробництв за останніми досягненнями науки і техніки. Наведені конструкції, будова, принцип дії машин, апаратів і ліній консервного виробництва. Розглянуто такі технологічні процеси та обладнання, що забезпечують: миття сировини та споживчої тари; сортування та калібрування сировини; очищення та відокре..


Товарознавство. Малопоширені овочі

156 грн

Матеріал посібника висвітлює питання товарознавчих властивостей малопоширених овочів і викладений відповідно до програми дисципліни "Товарознавство" (1.2 Харчові продукти, 1.2.2 Фрукти, овочі, гриби і продукти їхнього перероблення)..


Вырезаем из овощей и фруктов. Украшение блюд

200 грн

Листая страницы этой книги, вы узнаете, как любой овощ или фрукт превратить в смешного человечка, зверька или цветок. Здесь каждый сможет выбрать оформление блюд по своему вкусу. Благодаря пошаговым фотографиям и подробным инструкциям вы быстро и с удовольствием овладеете искусством вырезания съедобных фигурок. Попробуйте - ваши гости и домашние будут в вост..

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