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Ферментація (Fermentation)
- 1210 грн
- Автор: Asa Simonsson
- Издательство: Anness Publishing
- Год издания: 2019
- Страниц: 240
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
How to make your own sauerkraut, kimchi, brine pickles, kefir, kombucha, vegan dairy and more
Cabbage, salt and water... and time. That’s all it takes to make one of the healthiest foods. Ferments are amazing, they not only are great-tasting, but are very good for you. Used for centuries as a natural way of food preservation, they are now known to actively improve digestive balance and gut health.
What is more satisfying than lining up a row of brightly colored jars that you have made yourself, all bursting with natural goodness? Ferments are cheap and easy-to-make, yet full of sophisticated flavors, aromas and textures. And the benefits of fermented food can be found in much more than cabbage sauerkraut: this detailed and practical book also shows how to make all kinds of delicious brine pickles, kimchi, kefir, kombucha,nut cheeses, and sourdough.
- ISBN: 978-0754834649
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 210 х 280 мм
- Вес: 1,500г