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A Coach’s Guide to Maximizing the Youth Sport Experience

1490 грн

This book guides sport coaches, parents and administrators in creating a caring and task-involving sport climate that helps athletes perform their best and have an enjoyable and meaningful sport experience. It introduces the concept of a caring and task-involving climate and provides a "how to" guide to creating this climate in sport. Firstly, this guide ..

Wolters Kluwer

ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer

3450 грн

Lippincott (R) Connect Featured TitlePurchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott (R) Connect title includes lifetime access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments. An essential resource to prepare for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer examination, ACSM's Resources ..


Applied Exercise Psychology

3490 грн

Applied Exercise Psychology emphasizes the application of evidence-based knowledge drawn from the fields of exercise psychology, health psychology, clinical and counseling psychology, and exercise physiology for physical activity behavior change. The book provides readers with: theoretical bases for understanding and promoting physical activity behavior; ..


Biochemistry for Sport and Exercise Metabolism

1990 грн

How do our muscles produce energy for exercise and what are the underlying biochemical principles involved? These are questions that students need to be able to answer when studying for a number of sport related degrees. This can prove to be a difficult task for those with a relatively limited scientific background. Biochemistry for Sport and Exercise M..

Human Kinetics

Deep Tissue Massage

1815 грн

Many clients enjoy the sensation of deep tissue massage. Yet some therapists shy away from incorporating this form of massage into their treatments, believing it to require the application of force greater than what they can deliver. Or they are anxious about how to apply pressure safely.Deep Tissue Massage describes how to use 83 compressive and stretching ..


Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education

2490 грн

There is evidence of considerable growth in the availability and use of digital technologies in physical education. Yet, we have scant knowledge about how technologies are being used by teachers, and whether or how these technologies are optimising student learning. This book makes a novel contribution by focusing on the ways in which teachers and teacher ed..

Human Kinetics

Facilitated Stretching With Online Video

1300 грн

Facilitated Stretching, Fourth Edition With Online Video, remains the most trusted resource for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, an effective and easy-to-use method that involves stretching the muscle, contracting it isometrically against resistance, and then stretching it again to increase range of motion. Featuring a full-color i..

Human Kinetics

Myofascial Release

1300 грн

Myofascial Release provides comprehensive training for hands-on therapists of all disciplines and at all levels to expand their practice. From technique descriptions and their applications to client interactions and the preservation of practitioner strength and functionality, this guide teaches therapists every crucial aspect of employing myofascial release ..


Psychology for Dancers

1990 грн

Psychology for Dancers: Theory and Practice to Fulfil Your Potential examines how psychological theory can be related to dance practice. Aimed at the dancer who wants to maximize their potential but has no grounding in psychology, the book begins with an examination of basic psychological concepts, approaches and methods, before applying theory to dance. ..

CRC Press

Safe and Effective Exercise for Overweight Youth

2990 грн

Based on decades of scientific research and clinical experience, Safe and Effective Exercise for Overweight Youth provides a scientifically supported and clinically relevant source of information that clinical health care providers, educators, public health, and fitness professionals may use to promote physical activity in overweight and obese youth of all a..


Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Key Concepts

1490 грн

Now including exercise psychology terms for the first time in its second edition, Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Key Concepts offers a highly accessible introduction to this fascinating subject, its central theories and state-of-the-art research. Over 300 alphabetically-ordered entries cover such diverse terms as: adherence aggression emotion exerc..


Sport Pedagogy

2250 грн

Sport Pedagogy offers an essential starting point for anyone who cares about sport, education and young people. It offers invaluable theoretical and practical guidance for studying to become an effective teacher or coach, and for anyone who wants to inspire children and young people to engage in and enjoy sport for life. The book also focuses on you as a lea..


Sport Psychology for Young Athletes

2250 грн

Understanding and applying psychology within youth sport settings is key to maximising young athletes’ enjoyment, wellbeing, and sporting performance. Written by a team of leading international researcher-practitioners, this book is the first to offer an evidence-based introduction to the theory and practice of sport psychology for children and young athlete..

CRC Press

Sports Drinks

2990 грн

Can sports drinks improve the way you play and exercise? Athletes-both competitive and recreational-turn to the consumption of sports drinks to optimize their performance. A volume in the Nutrition in Exercise and Sports Series, Sports Drinks: Basic Science and Practical Aspects provides a review of current knowledge on issues relating to the formulation and..


Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes

2250 грн

Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and Application offers an evidence-based introduction to the theory and practice of strength and conditioning for young athletes. Fully revised and updated, this second edition draws on leading research to offer a holistic approach to training centred on the concept of long-term athletic development and t..


Talent Identification and Development in Sport

2250 грн

Identifying and developing talented athletes to their fullest potential is a central concern of sport scientists, sports coaches and sports policy makers. The second edition of this popular text offers a state of the science synthesis of current knowledge in talent identification and development in sport, from the biological basis of talent to the systems an..


Інклюзивне фізичне виховання

1100 грн

This book examines the role that research plays in pedagogical practices when teaching disabled children and young people in physical education classes. It scrutinises the practices that are commonly used by teachers and coaches, and advocated by academics, and explores the evidence base that supports them.This book covers disability broadly, including a foc..

Олімпійська література

Анатомія опорно-рухового апарату


90 грн

Навчальний посібник створено відповідно до навчальної програми з вивчення анатомії людини у вищих навчальних закладах спортивного про­філю. Посібник містить сучасні наукові знання із загальної цитології та гістології, остеології, артрології та міології. Він призначений для організації самостійної підготовки студентів до практичних занять, має велик..


Біомеханіка просторової організації тіла людини: сучасні методи та засоби діагностики..


1200 грн

Розглянуто основи теорії вчення з просторової організації тіла людини, сучасні методологічні особливості її визначення та оцінки, технології вимірювання постави та опорно-ресорної функції стопи людини, комп’ютеризовані, роботизовані та мікропроцесорні комплекси, системи та пристрої для забезпечення визначення біомеханічних особливостей просторової організаці..

Олімпійська література


90 грн

Досліджено актуальні питання вивчення історичних аспектів формування та розвитку правил гри й суддівства в баскетболі. Дослідження надало змогу визначити етапи еволюції баскетбольних правил, а їх порівняльна характеристика з історичними етапами розвитку баскетболу як виду спорту - визначити найбільш вагомі та значущі етапи в зазначених хронологічних системах..

Олімпійська література

Биохимия мышечной деятельности

300 грн

В учебнике изложены основы обшей биохимии и биохимии мышечной деятельности организма человека, описаны химическое строение и процессы метаболизма наиболее важных веществ организма, раскрыта их роль в обеспечении мышечной деятельности. Рассмотрены биохимические аспекты процессов мышечного сокращения и механизмов энергообразования в мышцах, закономерности разв..


Відновлення та стрес у спорті. Тестування та оцінювання

1540 грн

Balancing training, stress, and recovery is essential for achieving optimal performance. The performance of professional athletes can be severely compromised by overtraining, injuries, prolonged periods of competition, or even life events outside their sporting lives. The current recovery-stress state depends on preceding stress and recovery activities, b..


Використання відеотехнологій у футболі та інших видах спорту

2200 грн

For a long time, various different lobbying sectors have claimed that the use of video technology is an effective aid in decision-making. Now the IFAB has taken a historic step in the approval of experiments on the use of video to provide support to football refereeing. The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports analyses the cap..


Виступи під тиском. Психологічні стратегії спортивного успіху

1375 грн

Performing Under Pressure is an essential resource on improving sporting performance in high-pressure situations. Perry’s work guides coaches and athletes through nine key elements of the sporting mindset to help athletes to perform at the highest standards, even under the most pressurized of situations. This valuable read includes empirically-based advic..

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