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Human Kinetics
Издательство Human Kinetics - мировой лидер профессиональной спортивной литературы
Deep Tissue Massage
1815 грн
Many clients enjoy the sensation of deep tissue massage. Yet some therapists shy away from incorporating this form of massage into their treatments, believing it to require the application of force greater than what they can deliver. Or they are anxious about how to apply pressure safely.Deep Tissue Massage describes how to use 83 compressive and stretching ..
Facilitated Stretching With Online Video
1300 грн
Facilitated Stretching, Fourth Edition With Online Video, remains the most trusted resource for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, an effective and easy-to-use method that involves stretching the muscle, contracting it isometrically against resistance, and then stretching it again to increase range of motion. Featuring a full-color i..
Myofascial Release
1300 грн
Myofascial Release provides comprehensive training for hands-on therapists of all disciplines and at all levels to expand their practice. From technique descriptions and their applications to client interactions and the preservation of practitioner strength and functionality, this guide teaches therapists every crucial aspect of employing myofascial release ..
Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release
1435 грн
Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release, Second Edition, is a practical guide to understanding and applying soft tissue release (STR), including how it can be used to deactivate trigger points and maximize patient outcomes of treatment and rehabilitation. Whether you are a student or a professional, the detailed instruction and numerous photos will help you ga..
Спортивний масаж (Sports Massage)
1300 грн
On the field, post-event, or in the clinic, Sports Massage is the essential resource for developing and perfecting your sports massage technique!Sports Massage provides an in-depth discussion of applications of foundational massage techniques within a sports massage approach. Thorough instructions and over 130 full-color photos demonstrate the correct applic..
Postural Correction
1300 грн
Postural Correction presents 30 of the most commonly occurring postural conditions in a comprehensive format, providing hands-on therapists and body workers the knowledge and resources to help clients address their malalignments. Focusing on treatment rather than assessment, it takes a direct approach and applies specific techniques to improve posture from a..
Yoga Therapy
990 грн
Yoga is more popular now than ever. The benefits are recognized worldwide, and athletes and therapists rely on the practice. Yet its appeal is as varied as those who practice it. Regardless of your activity level and fitness background, yoga is truly for you.Yoga Therapy: A Personalized Approach for Your Active Lifestyle will help you see your daily activiti..