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Myofascial Release
- 1300 грн
- Автор: Ruth Duncan
- Издательство: Human Kinetics
- Год издания: 2014
- Страниц: 232
- Склад: В наличии
Myofascial Release provides comprehensive training for hands-on therapists of all disciplines and at all levels to expand their practice. From technique descriptions and their applications to client interactions and the preservation of practitioner strength and functionality, this guide teaches therapists every crucial aspect of employing myofascial release to its fullest benefit.
This scientifically grounded whole-body approach presents an overview of the entire fascial matrix, the three-dimensional web of tissue that supports, encompasses, and protects every other structure in the body. The explanation of the anatomy and function of the connective tissue system gives practitioners the solid background needed for working most effectively with soft tissue to treat muscle injury, immobility, and pain. The book also outlines how myofascial release relates to other massage modalities in the Hands on Guides for Therapists series, ensuring therapists incorporate all of their skills to the greatest effect for their clients.
Descriptions of over 60 myofascial techniques contain details on the timing, direction, and hold of each stretch as well as numerous photographs that illustrate the body and hand positions of each technique. Nuanced explanations of the unique feel of soft tissue, including the component of position of ease felt in the fascial drag, enhance the therapist’s palpation skills. The therapist learns how to apply the best approach—cross-hand releases, longitudinal plane releases, compression releases, and transverse plane releases—on specific injuries or issues and how to combine techniques to maximize their effectiveness. The text also contains home programs that clients can use themselves between treatment sessions.
Myofascial Release provides an entire therapeutic approach as opposed to just the hands-on application that most books offer. Special features make this resource more effective and efficient for readers:
• Full-color photos present a strong visual guide to employing each technique safely.
• The photo index reference tool quickly points readers to the desired technique.
• Therapist tips provide practical comments on applying the techniques.
• Client talk boxes share the author’s experiences and insights on common situations.
• Quick Questions at the end of each chapter test readers’ knowledge of material.
Finally, the text offers insight on interacting with clients and ensuring their entire therapeutic experience is fulfilling. It covers the client consultation process, checking for contraindications and performing the visual assessment, how the client may respond to the treatment, and what the practitioner and client might feel and see during the process. Readers will come away from Myofascial Release with a holistic understanding of the approach and how to apply the principles to their practice.
Myofascial Release is part of the Hands-On Guides for Therapists series, which features specific tools for assessment and treatment that fall well within the realm of massage therapists but may be useful for other body workers, such as osteopaths and fitness instructors. The guides include full-color instructional photographs, Tips sections that aid in adjusting massage techniques, Client Talk boxes thatt present ideas for creatively applying techniques for various types of clients, and questions for testing knowledge and skill.
A professional development guide for new hands-on therapists as well as a reference for experienced hands-on therapists. Also a reference for personal trainers working with older adults, athletic trainers, physiotherapists, sport massage therapists, and practitioners of complementary therapies.
- ISBN: 9781450444576
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 500г