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Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology

3120 грн

The bestselling, go-to guide to the dermatologic conditions most often encountered in primary care—updated to reflect the latest developments in the fieldFor more than three decades, Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology has remained one of the bestselling dermatology books in the world. This concise, quick-reference guide ..


Ендодонтичне лікування зубів (Эндодонтическое лечение зубов: методология и технология..

400 грн

В пособии изложены современные представления об эндодонтии в прикладном значении для клинической практики. В доступной для врача форме освещены теоретические вопросы эндодонтического лечения зубов, основы клинической диагностики в эндодонтии, представлен алгоритм эндодонтического лечения. Подробно рассмотрены методики механической и хемомеханической обработк..

Книга плюс

Основи клінічної офтальмології

900 грн

    Кольоровий підручник написано українською мовою на високому професійному рівні. У його створенні взяла участь міжнародна команда відомих професорів – офтальмологів України та Єгипту.    Базові основи клінічної офтальмології, загальні правила та принципи діагностики і лікування захворювань органу зору викладено чітк..


Психолого-фізична реабілітація

250 грн

Висвітлюються засоби фізичної реабілітації при захворюваннях серцево-судинної, дихальної, нервової систем, порушеннях опорно-рухового апарату, дитячих церебральних паралічах та стресових станах. Розглядаються методи психотерапії, голкорефлексотерапії, аутогенного тренування, нетрадиційних методів лікування...

Книга плюс

Травматология (европейские стандарты диагностики и лечения)

440 грн

В книге изложены основные научно-практические сведения, касающиеся этиологии, классификации, принципов диагностики, способов консервативного и хирургического лечения пострадавших с травмами. Уделено внимание новым технологиям, в частности технике малоинвазивного остеосинтеза, который становится современной концепцией лечения переломов.Для травматологов-ортоп..


Фармацевтична опіка

250 грн

Посібник «Фармацевтична опіка» містить: – 40 протоколів провізора (фармацевта) при відпуску безрецептурних лікарських засобів; – 42 алгоритми фармацевтичної опіки при відпуску лікарських засобів. Протоколи регламентують взаємодію провізора (фармацевта) з пацієнтом з метою уникнення неконтрольованого споживання лікарських засобів. Протоколи присвячені симптом..


3D-друк в радіології (3D Printing for the Radiologist)

3300 грн

Comprehensive, yet concise, 3D Printing for the Radiologist presents an overview of three-dimensional printing at the point of care. Focusing on opportunities and challenges in radiology practice, this up-to-date reference covers computer-aided design principles, quality assurance, training, and guidance for integrating 3D printing across radiology subspecia..


A Clinician’s Guide to Functional Neurological Disorder A Practical Neuropsychologica..

2200 грн

This manual for clinicians presents a ground-breaking, accessible and unifying new model for understanding functional neurological disorder (FND) that bridges the gap between theoretical FND-specific models and the more practical, but non-FND-specific Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) models. Grounded in psychology, the Pressure Cooker Model provides a cle..


Acute Pancreatitis: An A-Z

1300 грн

Acute pancreatitis is a common cause of acute abdomen. Diagnoses is difficult as the symptoms mimic that of many other medical and surgical conditions. Patients with severe acute pancreatitis can develop multiple organ failure and need intensive care. As its management is multi-disciplinary involving gastroenterologists, radiologists and surgeons, this book ..


Apley and Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma

3450 грн

Now in its Tenth Edition and in continuous publication since 1959, Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma is one of the world's leading textbooks of orthopaedic surgery. Relied upon by generations of orthopaedic trainees the book remains true to the teaching principles of the late Alan Apley and his successor Professor Louis Solomon. This new ed..

CRC Press

Atlas of Dermoscopy

7900 грн

Third Edition1425 Color IllustrationsThe much awaited third edition of the leading reference book in dermoscopy has undergone comprehensive revisions to all chapters, with updates and expanded content providing the reader with a more comprehensive and in-depth coverage of skin conditions, ranging from skin neoplasia to hair, nails, infections and inflammator..


Atlas of Human Anatomy International Edition

1950 грн

The gold standard of excellence for 25 years, Frank H. Netter, MD's Atlas of Human Anatomy offers unsurpassed depictions of the human body in clear, brilliant detail - all from a clinician's perspective. With its emphasis on anatomic relationships and clinically relevant views, Dr. Netter's work provides a coherent, lasting visual vocabulary for understandin..


Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery / Атлас анатомии таза и гинекологичес..

11000 грн

Combining detailed descriptions of pelvic anatomy with easy-to-follow instructions for gynecologic procedures, Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery, 5th Edition, is a comprehensive, up-to-date atlas that reflects current practices in this fast-changing field. Pelvic anatomy and surgical operations are depicted through full-color anatomic drawings,..


Bobath Concept: Theory and Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation

3120 грн

Authored by members of the British Bobath Tutors Association, Bobath Concept: Theory and Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitationis a practical illustrated guide that offers a detailed exploration of the theoretical underpinning and clinical interventions of the Bobath Concept.The evolution of the Bobath concept is brilliantly captured in this volume..


Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine

11200 грн

Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Braunwald's Heart Disease remains the most trusted reference in the field and the leading source of reliable cardiology information for practitioners and trainees worldwide. The fully updated 12th Edition continues the tradition of excellence with dependable, state-of-the-art coverage of new drugs, new guidelines, ..


Breast Reconstruction : Modern and Promising Surgical Techniques

3780 грн

This book examines distinct innovative and modern techniques for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy necessitated by breast cancer. It serves as not only an entry point in learning about the most modern and promising surgical techniques available, but as a pragmatic guide as well. Beginning with an introduction to the history of the subject, the opening..


Burghardt's Primary Care Colposcopy : Textbook and Atlas - Кольпоскопия и патология ш..

3850 грн

Издание представляет собой иллюстрированное руководство-атлас по кольпоскопии и патологии шейки матки, в котором представлена кольпоскопическая картина в совокупности с гистопатологией, что обеспечивает полное понимание морфологической картины и клинического диагноза. Книга содержит обновленную информацию о центральной роли вируса папилломы человека в развит..


Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics 4-Volume Set

28600 грн

Still the most widely used comprehensive resource in orthopaedic surgery  Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics is an essential reference for trainees a trusted clinical tool for practitioners and the gold standard for worldwide orthopaedic practice. Unparalleled in scope and depth this 14th Edition contains updated d..

CRC Press

Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention

3850 грн

Interventional cardiology refers to the catheter-based treatment of cardiovascular diseases and is one of the fastest growing fields in medicine. This updated text addresses recent advances in structural heart interventions, in particular aortic and mitral valve procedures. The advent of newer technologies presents both opportunities and challenges for the c..


Churchill's Pocketbook of Orthopaedics Trauma and Rheumatology

1600 грн

Churchill's Pocketbook of Orthopaedics Trauma and Rheumatology offers a practical guide to these three combined disciplines in a handy pocketbook format and is ideal for medical students junior doctors and trainees. The book is perfect for clinical placements in orthopaedics emergency medicine rheumatology and general practice as well as during the undergrad..

CRC Press

Clark's Essential Guide to Mammography

990 грн

This easy-to-understand pocketbook in the highly respected Clark’s stable of imaging texts is an invaluable tool and training aid, providing essential information for mammographic positioning, technique and interpretation for mammography practitioners at all levels.Adopting a systematic and structured approach facilitating rapid reference in the clinical set..


Clinical Uro-Andrology / Клиническая уроандрология

3800 грн

In this volume, undisputed leading experts from Europe and beyond come together to cover the field of andrology in its entirety, providing a guide that will be of value to urologists and other physicians in their daily clinical practice. It is designed for a wide audience, including both those coming into contact with andrological issues for the first time a..

Wolters Kluwer

Clinically Oriented Anatomy

2720 грн

The world's most trusted clinically focused anatomy text!Renowned for comprehensive coverage, the best-selling Clinically Oriented Anatomy guides students from initial anatomy and foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. The eighth edition reflects significant new information and updates and maintains the highest standards for sci..


Dermatologic Surgery with Radiofrequency: Art of Successful Practice

2500 грн

This book offers useful insight into the new dermatologic surgical applications of radiofrequency, besides elaborating the basic applications of the same exhaustively. This book will also provide invaluable practical inputs for the skillful management of surgery in Dermatology and Aesthetic practice.1. Introduction. 2. Office Dermatologic Surgery. 3. Pre-req..

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Книги по медицине всегда актуальны и пользуются спросом у специалистов. В нашем каталоге собрана новейшая отечественная и зарубежная медицинская литература как для опытных практикующих врачей, так и для студентов и интернов: иллюстрированные медицинские атласы, учебники, медицинские и фармацевтические справочники, руководства для врачей, клинические нормы и рекомендации. Ассортимент ежедневно пополняется новыми поступлениями, а по индивидуальному запросу мы постараемся найти для Вас любое интересующее издание.