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Представительство издательства Thieme в Украине


Burghardt's Primary Care Colposcopy : Textbook and Atlas - Кольпоскопия и патология ш..

3850 грн

Издание представляет собой иллюстрированное руководство-атлас по кольпоскопии и патологии шейки матки, в котором представлена кольпоскопическая картина в совокупности с гистопатологией, что обеспечивает полное понимание морфологической картины и клинического диагноза. Книга содержит обновленную информацию о центральной роли вируса папилломы человека в развит..


Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine : From Symptom to Diagnosis (Дифференциал..

3200 грн

A pragmatic approach to differential diagnosis gives rapid, reliable answers to these questions: Which diseases are likely? What causes them? What are the typical characteristics of these disorders? Do they correspond with the symptoms in question? How can the preliminary diagnosis be confirmed? Siegenthaler's new Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medi..


Differential Diagnosis in Otolaryngology : Head and Neck Surgery (Дифференциальная ди..

3990 грн

Pinpoint the correct diagnosis with this user-friendly guide to differential diagnosis in otolaryngology. Thieme congratulates Michael G. Stewart on being chosen by New York magazine for its prestigious 'Best Doctors 2018' list. Designed as a practical resource for rapid and accurate diagnosis in otolaryngology - head and neck surgery and facial plastic surg..


Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Эндоскопическая риносинусохирургия. Анатомия, объемная реко..

8800 грн

The fully updated comprehensive anatomical guide on surgery of the paranasal sinuses and skull baseAs in the acclaimed prior editions, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Fourth Edition focuses strictly on anatomy, 3D reconstruction, and step-by-step surgical techniques. Written by Peter-John Wormald, the richly illustrated text details anatomy and operative..


ENT Head and Neck Surgery (Хирургия головы и шеи: основные вмешательства)

8200 грн

Thorough, user-friendly compendium of must-know ENT surgical procedures. This highly practical surgical guide presents detailed descriptions of the most established and important surgical techniques for the full range of ENT conditions. The expert authors describe the key stages of each procedure in a step-by-step format supplemented by clearly labeled illus..


Facial Danger Zones Staying safe with surgery, fillers, and non-invasive devices (Опа..

5990 грн

The definitive one-stop reference on safely navigating highly complex facial anatomyThe primary goal of Facial Danger Zones: Staying safe with surgery, fillers and non-invasive devices is to help surgeons achieve optimal results and maximize safe outcomes for a wide array of facial cosmetic procedures. Authored by internationally renowned..


Partial Breast Reconstruction: Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery

10640 грн

This second edition of Partial Breast Reconstruction: Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery builds on and expands the authoritative procedures presented in the first edition, adding and updating the content with up-to-the-minute concepts, techniques, and innovations in oncoplastic breast surgery, all elucidated with hundreds of color images and illustrations. Th..


Анатомія для стоматологів (Anatomy for Dental Medicine)

3575 грн

A visually-rich and clinically relevant anatomy resource for dental students Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Third Edition strikes an optimal balance between systemic and regional approaches to complex head and neck anatomy. Award-winning full-color illustrations, succinct text, summary tables, and questions put anatomical structures and knowledge into a practi..


Атлас ехокардіографії (Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography)

2500 грн

A highly successful introduction to echocardiography, now in a new and enhanced editionIn diagnostic cardiology, the effectiveness and reliability of state-of-the-art echocardiography is unsurpassed but-as with all ultrasound examinations-the results are highly operator dependent. The second edition of Boehmeke's Pocket Atlas of Echocardiography is..


Атлас секційної анатомії людини на прикладі КТ- і МРТ. Том 3. Хребет, кінцівки, сугло..

2750 грн

Full multiplanar coverage of the spine, extremities, and joints!Renowned for its superb illustrations and highly practical information, the third volume of this classic reference reflects the very latest in state-of-the-art imaging technology. Together with Volumes 1 and 2, this compact and portable book provides a highly specialized navigational tool for cl..


Загальна оториноларингологія - Хірургія голови і шиї (Total Otolaryngology-Head and N..

5000 грн

Total Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery is a comprehensive otolaryngology reference that presents a consistent approach to the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck disorders. It provides thorough coverage of basic science topics as well as concise, practical information on clinical topics, such as radiographic imaging of common clinical presentations,..


Захворювання міжхребцевих дисків (Intervertebral Disk Diseases)

8500 грн

The new edition of this book provides the current information on the diagnostic techniques and therapeutic approaches that will help clinicians optimize care for patients with intervertebral disk disease. The book covers the full range of problems frequently encountered in the clinical setting, including traumatic injuries, non-degenerative disk-diseases, an..


Кольоровий атлас цитології, гістології та мікроскопічної анатомії

2300 грн

This timeless pocket atlas is the ideal visual companion to histology and cytology textbooks. First published in 1950 and translated into eight languages, Kuehnel's Pocket Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy is a proven classic.The fully revised and updated fourth edition contains 745 full-color illustrations - almost 200 more than..


Мінімально-інвазивна абдомінальна хірургія: лапароскопічна та торакальна

7425 грн

Step-by-step, full-color approaches and tactical guidelines on new minimally invasive proceduresMagnificently illustrated with clear depictions of key anatomic relationships, this new surgical atlas covers all minimally invasive abdominal procedures as well as combined endoluminal and endocavitary operations. A systematic organization of test and illustratio..


Методики спинальних ін'єкцій (Spinal Injection Techniques)

7500 грн

Safe and effective injection techniques for the treatment of spinal painWritten by a multidisciplinary team of experts, Spinal Injection Techniques presents the most effective methods for injecting pharmaceuticals to address acute and chronic pain originating from the cervical spine to the sacrum. This new, second edition has been extensively revis..


МРТ молочної залози високої роздільної здатності (Practical MR Mammography : High-Res..

6600 грн

Acclaim for the first edition:"A handy reference of MRI findings for practicing radiologists in their daily work. Indications for breast MRI are excellently presented. Strongly recommended." Acta Radiologica"Interesting and instructive book [...] the author successfully presents, evaluates and discusses the use of MR in the imaging of the breast [...].Each c..


Навчальний посібник з комп'ютерної томографії (CT Teaching Manual)

3900 грн

Ideal for residents starting in radiology and radiologic technologists, this concise manual is the perfect introduction to the physics and practice of CT and the interpretation of basic CT images. Designed as a systematic learning tool, it introduces the use of CT scanners for all organs, and includes positioning, use of contrast media, representative CT sca..


Променева діагностика. Шлунково-кишковий тракт (Gastrointestinal Imaging)

3400 грн

Dx-Direct is a series of eleven Thieme books covering the main subspecialties in radiology. It includes all the cases you are most likely to see in your typical working day as a radiologist. For each condition or disease you will find the information you need -- with just the right level of detail.Dx-Direct gets to the point:Definitions, Epidemiolo..


Рак молочної залози: раннє виявлення за допомогою мамографії (Breast Cancer)

3900 грн

Internationally renowned breast cancer imagers, Laszlo Tabar and Peter B. Dean, and the eminent breast pathologist, Tibor Tot, distill decades of clinical expertise in this new volume covering the most frequently occurring malignant type of calcifications: the pleomorphic, crushed stone-like calcifications. The book presents a systematic approach to using ma..


Топический диагноз в неврологии по Петеру Дуусу: анатомия, физиология, клиника / Topi..

3300 грн

The perennial neurology classic, updated and expandedThe sixth edition of Duus' classic Topical Diagnosis in Neurology builds on the clear, integrated presentation of anatomy, function, and disorders of the central nervous system that made it a success for almost over five decades, serving as a quick reference for practitioners and trainees alike. ..


Управління кров'ю пацієнта (Patient Blood Management)

3750 грн

Patient Blood Management (PBM) is an innovative clinical concept that aims to reduce the need for allogenic blood transfusions, cut health-care costs, and avert or correct the risk factors related to blood transfusion, thus minimizing the rate of side effects and complications. This comprehensive hands-on volume offers a three-point approach for the implemen..


Фізична терапія при захворюваннях міжхребцевих дисків

4400 грн

Patients with pain emanating from their spines represent some of the most frequent and challenging cases for physical therapists. Here is a comprehensive and practical introduction to the management of back pain and restricted spinal function caused by intervertebral disk damage. The authors provide evidence-based, clinically oriented strategies for the diag..


Breast Augmentation Video Atlas

8216 грн

Video atlas features state-of-the-art breast augmentation procedures from world renowned aesthetic plastic surgeonsStatistics consistently show breast augmentation ranks as the first or second most common surgical procedure performed in the U.S. Yet reoperation rates of 15-24% along with prolonged periods of pain and convalescence, indicate room for improvem..

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