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- 2246 грн
- Автор: Robert E Gough, Ronald Korcak
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 1996
- Страниц: 268
- Склад: Под заказ
Gain the knowledge to grow bigger and better blueberries!
Blueberries: A Century of Research presents the results of basic and applied research into blueberry science and culture around the world. It contains technical reports on genetics, nutrition, physiology, culture, and harvesting of several blueberry species. Readers will find much current, helpful, and interesting information for their work with blueberries.
General areas covered in the book are the blueberry culture and its future, blueberry genetics and diseases, blueberry nutrition, and blueberry fruit quality. Specific chapters address a variety of topics including:
utilization of wild blueberry germplasm
use of sparkleberry in breeding highbush cultivars
identification of markers linked to genes controlling chilling requirement and cold hardiness
detection of blueberry scorch virus and red ringspot virus
methods of controlling blueberry gall midge damage
control of bunchberry in wild blueberry fields
blueberry nitrate reductase activity
use of gibberellic acid as a management tool for increasing yield of rabbiteye blueberry
blueberry culture and research in Japan
In Blueberries: A Century of Research, small fruit researchers, extension workers, and blueberry specialists will find important new information for continued improvement of blueberry culture and specialization. The book is a vital resource that appeals to a professional audience worldwide.
- ISBN: 9781560220534
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 582г