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Проєкт "Гриби": довідник з вирощування грибів (Project Mushroom)
- 1100 грн
- Автор: Lorraine Caley
- Издательство: Garden Art Press
- Год издания: 2024
- Страниц: 720
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Project Mushroom will teach you everything you need to know to identify, grow, display and cook edible mushrooms. Mushrooms are good for us and for the environment: they are a sustainable, easy-to-grow food source and full of nutritional goodness. But they can also be attractive and useful additions to our homes and gardens – whether displayed in ceramic vases, on macrame or even used to make ink, paper or seed pots. In this book, mushroom experts Lorraine and Jodie Caley (aka the Caley Brothers) provide more than 30 projects so you can grow mushrooms at home.
An extensive introduction de-mystifies mushrooms, explains their benefits (for our health and the environment) and gives you a mushroom-growing starter kitProvides simple, easy-to-follow techniques for growing all types of mushroomDiscover striking ways to display and use mushrooms in the home: make sustainable hanging decorations or learn how to grow mushrooms in a bookLearn how to garden with mushrooms: make a mushroom bed or display varieties in seasonal containersExperiment with easy recipes for adding mushrooms to your store cupboard, including a Vitamin D boost, mushroom tincture and dried mushroom powder Includes a beautifully illustrated directory to help you identify mushroomsThis guide takes out the technical jargon, provides fascinating inspiration and answers all your burning questions. With so many ideas to explore, it celebrates the magic of mushrooms and demonstrates that mushroom growing doesn’t have to be scary. Created in collaboration with the world-renowned Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and with an extensive introduction and a directory of mushrooms, this book is a must-have for any modern mushroom lover.
- ISBN: 9780711289079
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 800г