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Chelsea Green Publishing Co
Вермикультура: посібник для фермера (The Worm Farmer’s Handbook)
1450 грн
Choice Reviews, Outstanding Academic TitleTechniques and systems for processing food scraps, manure, yard debris, paper, and moreTurning waste into wealth sounds too good to be true, but many worm farmers are finding that vermicomposting is a reliable way to do just that. Vermicast—a biologically active, nutrient-rich mix of earthworm castings and decomposed..
З молока в сир: Основи натурального сироваріння з використанням традиційних концепцій..
3300 грн
“Essential reading for anyone wanting to learn all they can about the ways in which humans, and our domesticates, share this world with microbes.”—David Zilber, chef and food scientist; coauthor of The Noma Guide to FermentationWith recipes for over 80 natural cheeses and complimentary ferments, this groundbreaking, comprehensive book guarantees high-quality..
Искусство натурального сыроделия (The Art of Natural Cheesemaking)
1800 грн
Дэвид Эшер проповедует натуральный способ изготовления сыра, экологичный и основанный на принципах органического земледелия и биодинамики. Эта книга станет замечательным помощником для тех, кто хочет создать домашнюю или небольшую частную сыроварню, и расскажет:как найти хорошее молоко, в том числе сырое;как правильно содержать бактериальные культуры, помога..
Крафтове сироваріння (Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking)
1990 грн
The key to becoming a successful artisan cheesemaker is to develop the intuition essential for problem solving and developing unique styles of cheeses. There are an increasing number of books on the market about making cheese, but none approaches the intricacies of cheesemaking science alongside considerations for preparing each type of cheese variety in as ..
Мистецтво ферментації (The Art of Fermentation)
1990 грн
‘…The high priest of fermentation theory’ the Guardian‘Sandor Katz’s teachings and writings on fermentation have changed lives around the world.’ Dan Saladino, The Food Programme BBCThe bible for the D.I.Y set: detailed instructions for how to make your own sauerkraut, beer, yogurt and pretty much everything involving microorganisms. The New York TimesIntern..
Органічне вирощування грибів (Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation)
1760 грн
The go-to guide on mushroom farming and cultivation!This is a reference book for the next generation of DIY mycologists. Sandor Ellix Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation A clear, comprehensive guide that is a gift to amateur as well as professional mushroom growers. Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia’s GardenIn Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediatio..