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Мистецтво ферментації (The Art of Fermentation)

  • 1990 грн
  • Автор: Sandor Ellix Katz
  • Издательство: Chelsea Green Publishing Co
  • Год издания: 2013
  • Страниц: 528
  • Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней

‘…The high priest of fermentation theory’ the Guardian‘Sandor Katz’s teachings and writings on fermentation have changed lives around the world.’ Dan Saladino, The Food Programme BBCThe bible for the D.I.Y set: detailed instructions for how to make your own sauerkraut, beer, yogurt and pretty much everything involving microorganisms. The New York TimesInternational New York Times bestseller, translated into 10 languages and over a quarter of a million copies sold worldwideNew York Times bestseller The Art of Fermentation is the only fermentation guide you’ll ever need! In this book, fermentation revivalist Katz contextualises fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, gut health, immunity, nutrition and even economics. Here, you will find the A to Z of everything you need to know about fermentation.

From the novice fermentationist to the experienced practitioner, this book has something in it for everyone. With beautiful illustrations and extended references you will find details on making: fermenting vegetablessugars into alcohol (meads, wines, and ciders) sour tonic beveragesMilkGrains and starchy tubers beers (and other grain-based alcoholic beverages) beans; seeds; nuts fish; meat; and eggs growing mold culturesKimchi, krautkombucha, kefir Sandor Katz’s award-winning writing and in-depth knowledge as a fermentation revivalist guarantees that this book will remain a classic in food writing and the first guide of its kind. Perfect for cooks, food lovers, fermentation enthusiasts, farmers and foragers alike!

  • ISBN: 9781603582865
  • Язык издания: EN
  • Обложка: Тверда
  • Размер: 190 х 250 мм
  • Вес: 1,500г

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