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Brewers Publications
Дріжджі: Практичний посібник із бродіння пива (Yeast : Beer Fermentation)
990 грн
This is a resource for brewers of all experience levels. The authors adeptly cover yeast selection, storage and handling of yeast cultures, how to culture yeast and the art of rinsing/washing yeast cultures. Sections on how to set up a yeast lab, the basics of fermentation science and how it affects your beer, plus step-by-step procedures, equipment lists an..
Контроль якості розливного пива
1100 грн
Delicious draught beer is a true delight, but the key challenge is ensuring that beer arrives to the consumer with all the freshness and flavor the brewer intended. In an ongoing effort to improve the quality of beer served at retail, the Brewers Association (BA) Draught Beer Quality Committee introduces the updated and revised fourth edition of the Draught ..
Пшеничне пиво (Brewing with Wheat)
850 грн
Author Stan Hieronymus visits the ancestral homes of the world's most interesting styles—Hoegaarden, Kelheim, Leipzig, Berlin and even Portland, Oregon—to sort myth from fact and find out how the beers are made today.Complete with brewing details and recipes for even the most curious brewer and answers to compelling questions such as "Why is my beer cloudy?"..
Солод: від поля до пивоварні (Malt)
880 грн
Often playing second fiddle to hops in the minds of craft beer drinkers, malt is the backbone of beer: “No barley, no beer.” Malt defines the color, flavor, body, and alcohol of beer and has been cultivated for nearly as long as agriculture has existed. In this book, author John Mallett explains why he feels a book on malt is necessary, taking the reader on ..
Сучасний лагер: технології, процеси та рецепти (Modern Lager Beer)
1200 грн
The idea of crisp, pale lagers may have roots in 19th-century Bohemia, but lager beer is far older and richly complex. Since Pilsner beer took the world by storm, lager beer has become a household term and a commercial behemoth before taking root among homebrewers and craft brewers.Modern Lager Beer is an exploration of the world of lager beers, their histor..