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Сушіння в молочній промисловості (Drying in the Dairy Industry)
- 2530 грн
- Автор: Cécile Le Floch-Fouéré
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 2024
- Страниц: 296
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
With more than 12M tons of dairy powders produced each year at a global scale, the drying sector accounts to a large extent for the processing of milk and whey. It is generally considered that 40% of the dry matter collected overall ends up in a powder form. Moreover, nutritional dairy products presented in a dry form (eg, infant milk formulae) have grown quickly over the last decade, now accounting for a large share of the profit of the sector.
Drying in the Dairy Industry: From Established Technologies to Advanced Innovations deals with the market of dairy powders issues, considering both final product and process as well as their interrelationships. It explains the different processing steps for the production of dairy powders including membrane, homogenisation, concentration and agglomeration processes. The book includes a presentation of the current technologies, the more recent development for each of them and their impact on the quality of the final powders. Lastly, one section is dedicated to recent innovations and methods directed to more sustainable processes, as well as latter developments at lab scale to go deeper in the understanding of the phenomena occurring during spray drying.
Key Features:
- Presents state-of-the-art information on the production of a variety of different dairy powders
- Discusses the impact of processing parameters and drier design on the product quality such as protein denaturation and viability of probiotics
- Explains the impact of drying processes on the powder properties such as solubility, dispersibility, wettability, flowability, floodability, and hygroscopicity
- Covers the technology, modelling and control of the processing steps
This book is a synthetic and complete reference work for researchers in academia and industry in order to encourage research and development and innovations in drying in the dairy industry.
Preface ,1. Spray-Dried dairy products categories, 1.1. Introduction, 1.2. The fundamentals of spray drying process in the production of dairy products, 1.3. Spray-dried dairy powder products, 1.4. Conclusion; 2. Technology, modelling and control of the processing steps, 2.1. Improvement of whey products spray-drying by use of membranes processes, 2.2. Concentration by vacuum evaporation, 2.3. Lactose crystallization for whey, permeate and lactose, 2.4. Homogenization: a key mechanical process in interaction with product to modulate the organization of fat in spray-dried powders, 2.5. Technology, Modelling and Control of the Processing Steps in Spray Drying, 2.6. Agglomeration processes of dairy powders, 2.7. Product Modification in Fluidized Bed Dryer; 3. Powder properties and influencing factors, 3.1. Glass transition and Water activity, 3.2. Caking of dairy powders, 3.3. Whey proteins pre-texturized by heating in dry state, 3.4. Physical properties of spray-dried dairy powders in relation with their flowability and rehydration capacity, 3.5. The microbiology of milk powder processing; 4. Innovations & Prospects, 4.1. Infant and follow-on formulae, 4.2. Lactose Hydrolyzed Milk Powder, 4.3. Properties of non-bovine functional camel milk powder, 4.4. How producing dairy powders without the use of drying chamber?, 4.5. Prediction of spray drying parameters: SD2P® software, 4.6. Spray drying of probiotics: towards a controlled and efficient process; 5. Conclusion - The drying of milk at the laboratory scale: from the industrial need to the scientific challenge, 5.1. Limitations of the drying process at the industrial scale, 5.2. Laboratory investigation of the evaporation in dairy systems, 5.3 Microscopy and microfluidic opportunities for studying the drying of dairy protein droplets
- ISBN: 9780367617547
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 800г