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Променева діагностика захворювань молочної залози (Clinical Breast Imaging)
- 5940 грн
- Автор: Gilda Cardenosa
- Издательство: Wolters Kluwer
- Год издания: 2014
- Страниц: 464
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Maximize your interpretative skills in breast imaging with this clinically oriented resource . Ideal for residents in radiology , this image-rich text fosters the development of skills necessary to facilitate and maximize interpretive skills in all aspects of breast imaging from mammography ultrasound , and MRI to imaging-guided procedures . This title will also help readers learn how to incorporate clinical and imaging findings to pathology during diagnosis and patient management.
With Clinical Breast Imaging readers will:Master key concepts required to care for patients presenting for breast imaging, with an emphasis on clinical relevance and imaging-pathology concordance—all enhanced by high quality images , chapter summaries and patient discussions. Prepare for board exams with comprehensive self-assessment questions in both the printed book and interactive eBook. Become well-versed in how to describe relevant findings, all while incorporating recommended terminology for mammography , breast ultrasound and breast magnetic resonance imaging.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:Complete content with cross-linked pages for easier navigationPowerful search tool that pulls results from book content, user notes and the webHighlighting tool to emphasize and easily reference key contentShare tool to collaborate with friends and colleagues during note-takingTab tool to flag important content for future reference
- ISBN: 9781451151770
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 220 х 290 мм
- Вес: 1,500г