Молочная железа
Breast Reconstruction : Modern and Promising Surgical Techniques
3780 грн
This book examines distinct innovative and modern techniques for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy necessitated by breast cancer. It serves as not only an entry point in learning about the most modern and promising surgical techniques available, but as a pragmatic guide as well. Beginning with an introduction to the history of the subject, the opening..
Clark's Essential Guide to Mammography
990 грн
This easy-to-understand pocketbook in the highly respected Clark’s stable of imaging texts is an invaluable tool and training aid, providing essential information for mammographic positioning, technique and interpretation for mammography practitioners at all levels.Adopting a systematic and structured approach facilitating rapid reference in the clinical set..
Partial Breast Reconstruction: Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery
10640 грн
This second edition of Partial Breast Reconstruction: Techniques in Oncoplastic Surgery builds on and expands the authoritative procedures presented in the first edition, adding and updating the content with up-to-the-minute concepts, techniques, and innovations in oncoplastic breast surgery, all elucidated with hundreds of color images and illustrations. Th..
Атлас диференційної діагностики патології молочної залози
5850 грн
This atlas illustrates the range of breast lesions with detailed correlation of gross and microscopic features. Where relevant, radiological images are incorporated. A description of normal, developmental and physiological breast morphology will serve as introduction to the main content of this atlas. Classification of tumors is based on the lates..
Атлас реконструктивної хірургії молочної залози (Atlas of Reconstructive Br..
10450 грн
Concise, practical, and highly illustrated, Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery focuses exclusively on non-cosmetic procedures performed due to cancer, accidents, or congenital defects of the breast. Covering both autologous and implant-based reconstruction techniques, this uniquely comprehensive reference provides step-by-step visual guidance on correcti..
Біопсія молочної залози (Core Needle Biopsies of the Breast)
2500 грн
Breast cancer remains the leading cause of cancer in women, which makes accurate diagnoses on core needle biopsy (CNB) specimens of vital importance in staging and guiding therapy decisions for patients. The first edition of this multi-authored text written by leaders in the field from major academic medical centers provided a comprehensive..
Диагностика болезней молочной железы (Breast Imaging: The Core Requisites)
3850 грн
Focusing on high-yield information, Breast Imaging: The Core Requisites, 4th Edition emphasizes the basics to help you establish a foundational understanding of breast imaging during rotations, refresh your knowledge of key concepts, and learn strategies to provide "value-added" reports to referring clinicians. This completely rewritten and reorganized editi..
Захворювання молочної залози (Breast Diseases)
3490 грн
This comprehensive textbook incoporates all aspects of breast disease, including basic science, benign breast diseases, malignant neoplasms, diagnostics, multidisciplinary therapeutic options, and molecular biology research. It focuses on information useful for trainees, medical students, and practicing breast surgeons and oncologists. The highlight of the b..
Лікування раку молочної залози (The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer)
1100 грн
The book you can trust to support you at every stage of your treatment - and beyondThe Complete Guide to Breast Cancer combines the authors’ experiences as patients and as doctors to provide a trusted and thorough source of information for you and your family. Designed to empower you during your breast cancer treatment, it covers:-Simple explanations of brea..
Маммография (Mammographic Imaging)
5200 грн
The 4th Edition of Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide remains the most up-to-date and comprehensive book in the field. A perfect all-in-one solution for coursework, board prep, and clinical practice, this bestseller reflects the latest ARRT educational and certification exam requirements, as well as the ASRT recommended curriculum. Technologists seeking..
МРТ молочної залози високої роздільної здатності (Practical MR Mammography ..
6600 грн
Acclaim for the first edition:"A handy reference of MRI findings for practicing radiologists in their daily work. Indications for breast MRI are excellently presented. Strongly recommended." Acta Radiologica"Interesting and instructive book [...] the author successfully presents, evaluates and discusses the use of MR in the imaging of the breast [...].Each c..
Онкопластична хірургія молочної залози (Oncoplastic Breast Surgery)
5500 грн
This volume is a contemporary guide to the management of breast diseases, both benign and malignant. This multidisciplinary resource includes significant expertise from the disciplines of radiology, pathology, oncology, psychology, and nursing care, as well as insights from plastic surgeons and other allied health professionals.With a focus on practical pati..
Патологія молочних залоз. Компетенції акушера-гінеколога
300 грн
Метою навчального посібника є систематизація наукових знань з питань діагностики і лікування доброякісної патології молочної залози, а також методів скринінгу раку молочної залози в Україні.Навчальний посібник призначений для лікарів загальної практики –сімейних лікарів, акушерів-гінекологів, лікарів-інтернів, студентівмедичних закладів вищої освіти ІІІ-ІV р..
Променева діагностика захворювань молочної залози (Clinical Breast Imaging)
5940 грн
Maximize your interpretative skills in breast imaging with this clinically oriented resource . Ideal for residents in radiology , this image-rich text fosters the development of skills necessary to facilitate and maximize interpretive skills in all aspects of breast imaging from mammography ultrasound , and MRI to imaging-guided procedures . This title will ..
Рак молочної залози: раннє виявлення за допомогою мамографії (Breast Cancer..
3900 грн
Internationally renowned breast cancer imagers, Laszlo Tabar and Peter B. Dean, and the eminent breast pathologist, Tibor Tot, distill decades of clinical expertise in this new volume covering the most frequently occurring malignant type of calcifications: the pleomorphic, crushed stone-like calcifications. The book presents a systematic approach to using ma..
Реконструкція молочної залози після мастектомії (The Complete Guide to Brea..
1450 грн
The definitive guide to breast reconstruction—now completely revised and updated. For more than twenty years, The Complete Guide to Breast Reconstruction (formerly The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook) has been an essential resource for individuals who are undergoing mastectomy and thinking about breast reconstruction. In this revised edition, two-time breast..
Система Yokohama в цитопатології. Аспіраційна тонкоголкова біопсія молочної..
2250 грн
This text describes a system of reporting breast fine needle aspiration biopsy that uses five clearly defined categories, each described by a specific term and each with a specific risk of malignancy. The five categories are insufficient/inadequate, benign, atypical, suspicious of malignancy and malignant. Each category has a risk of malignancy and is linked..
Современные методы диагностики и лечения рака молочной железы
300 грн
В монографии рассмотрен широкий круг вопросов. Приведены краткие сведения о хирургической анатомии молочной железы, факторах риска, которые могут привести к раку органа, и современные методы диагностики этого системного заболевания, в том числе иммуногистохимические и молекулярно-генетические (с учетом классификации по TNM 7-го издания).Среди современных мет..
Ультразвукове дослідження молочних залоз (Breast Ultrasound)
3025 грн
This book is a detailed, accessible and comprehensive reference manual reflecting current guidance & citing recent peer-reviewed evidence. It is written by and for radiographers. Through text and diagrams the fundamental skills and techniques for acquisition of high quality diagnostic images are explained and demonstrated; high quality ultrasound images ..
Breast Augmentation Video Atlas
8216 грн
Video atlas features state-of-the-art breast augmentation procedures from world renowned aesthetic plastic surgeonsStatistics consistently show breast augmentation ranks as the first or second most common surgical procedure performed in the U.S. Yet reoperation rates of 15-24% along with prolonged periods of pain and convalescence, indicate room for improvem..
Mammography Screening
2200 грн
This book gives plenty of examples of ad hominem attacks, intimidation, slander, threats of litigation, deception, dishonesty, lies and other violations of good scientific practice. For some years I kept a folder labeled Dishonesty in breast cancer screening on top of my filing cabinet, storing articles and letters to the editor that contained statements I k..
Oncoplastic Surgery of the Breast
8000 грн
The dynamic field of oncoplastic breast surgery seeks to combine the goals of both oncology and plastic surgery, utilizing recent innovations and new techniques to provide patients with the best possible outcomes. Oncoplastic Surgery of the Breast, 2nd Edition, offers fully revised content, new expert contributors, and up-to-date instructional videos to keep..
Атлас операций при злокачественных опухолях молочной железы
670 грн
Вышедшие в 1987 и 2008 гг. два предыдущих издания «Атласа онкологических операций» были востребованы широким кругом врачей различных специальностей.Предлагаемый читателю «Атлас онкологических операций при опухолях молочной железы» является одним томом из серии книг третьего издания, посвященных хирургическому лечению больных с новообразованиями разных органо..
Атлас хирургии молочной железы
350 грн
Предлагаемая книга содержит современные сведения о хирургических вмешательствах на молочной железе. Они касаются анатомо-функциональных особенностей, диагностических технологий, а также лечения доброкачественных и злокачественных образований молочных желез. Издание прекрасно иллюстрировано, что значительно облегчает его практическое использование. Каждая хир..