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Основи клінічної імунології
- 2750 грн
- Автор: Siraj A. Misbah
- Издательство: WILEY
- Год издания: 2022
- Страниц: 352
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
CHAPEL AND HAENEY’S ESSENTIALS OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY The Essentials are an international, best-selling series of textbooks, all of which are designed to support lecture series or themes on core topics within the health sciences. The fully updated new edition of the classic textbook, introducing the pathophysiology and management of immunological disorders Chapel and Haeney’s Essentials of Clinical Immunology contains the knowledge necessary to understand the diagnosis and treatment of immunological disorders.
With easy-to-read text and a wealth of colour clinical images and diagrams, this well-regarded textbook introduces complex concepts using effective pedagogical tools such as bulleted lists, key point boxes, real-life case studies, practical examples, figures and tables, chapter introductions, and keywords in bold integrated in each chapter. Fully updated throughout, the seventh edition provides up-to-date coverage of the clinical relevance that immunology has in medicine. These new and revised sections examine current research trends, the implementation of automation in laboratories, the emerging field of neuro-psychiatric disorders such as NMDA receptor encephalitis and more.
This edition includes new end-of-chapter summaries, updated clinical information, additional real-life case histories illustrating key concepts, and linking immunological testing to diseases. The new edition also includes: Covers the investigations required for diagnosis of immunological disorders and for management of patients Describes what occurs when diagnosing conditions in real-world laboratories Features case studies highlighting the connections between immunological theory and clinical cases Includes an updated companion website that features: case studies, interactive questions, photographs, illustrations, web links and review articles from the journal Clinical and Experimental Immunology Chapel and Haeney’s Essentials of Clinical Immunology is an ideal resource for clinical medical students, junior doctors, medical residents and other medical professionals who are looking to expand or refresh their knowledge in clinical immunology, as well as being an excellent introductory textbook for undergraduate courses in the subject.
- ISBN: 9781119542384
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 220 х 280 мм
- Вес: 1,000г