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This publication presents engineering specifications for fire safety equipment and systems required by SOLAS chapter II-2 concerning:
* international shore connections
* personnel protection
* fire extinguishers
* fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
* fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems
* fixed pressure water-spraying and
*ater-mist fire-extinguishing systems
* fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems
* automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems
* sample extraction smoke detectionsystems
* low-location lighting systems
* fixed emergency fire pumps
* arrangement of means of escape
* fixed deck foam systems
* inert gas systems
* fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
This edition also includes IMO resolutions and circulars relevant to the Code.
- ISBN: 9789280116014
- Язык издания: EN
- Вес: 500г