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An Atlas of Hair Pathology with Clinical Correlations
- 8900 грн
- Автор: Leonard C Sperling, Shawn E. Cowper, Eleanor A. Knopp
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 2012
- Страниц: 216
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Diagnosing and treating hair disorders is still a subject that is rarely or only superficially covered in residency training. Hence, dermatopathologists and clinical dermatologists often find a gap in their knowledge. A new edition of an acclaimed text, An Atlas of Hair Pathology with Clinical Correlations, Second Edition bridges this gap and serves as a primer, an atlas, and a reference.
Supplies basic information on anatomy
Examines clinical features that provide a clinical / pathological correlation
Details the practical processes of evaluating specimens
Includes new photographs demonstrating basic and advanced histologic features of hair disease
Explores several new diagnoses
Disorders in this edition include senescent balding, loose anagen hair syndrome, psoriatic alopecia, and psoriatic alopecia, and chemotherapy-induced alopecia. The book also contains a glossary of terms related to hair pathology.
- ISBN: 9781841847337
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,000г