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Jay Pee Brothers
Essentials of Medical Pharmacology 8th Edition
2600 грн
• Revised and updated chapters including new drugs and latest treatment guidelines.• Wide range of topics from basic pharmacological concepts to practical therapeutics.• A new chapter on 'Nitric Oxide and Vasoactive Peptide Signal Molecules’; has been added along with novel drugs that act by modifying action/turnover of these molecules.• Priority has been ac..
Гістероскопія (Textbook of Hysteroscopy)
3300 грн
The Textbook of Hysteroscopy is the best guideline for both trainees and surgeons in the field of gynecology. This book emphasizes the clear picture of different therapies, techniques and their complications. It explains about the impact of hysteroscopy in various fields and diagnostic procedures for them. This book, written by many specialists and gynecolog..
Мануальний посібник з хірургії (вживана) / Manipal Manual Of Surgery
1800 грн
The completely revised, thoroughly rewritten and carefully updated edition of a popular book aimed at undergraduate medical students. The limited time-frame available to undergraduate students makes it necessary for them to be able to read a reliable adn comprehensive book and this edition fully meets that requirement. The book presents the entire canon of i..
ОКТ-ангиография. Клинический атлас
3700 грн
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a non-invasive technique for imaging the microvasculature of the retina and the choroid. The advent of OCTA has allowed ophthalmologists to identify new pathologies, recognise new syndromes, and organise disorders with new classifications. This atlas provides clinicians with state-of-the-art principles of cl..
Основи судової медицини та токсикології (The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxi..
750 грн
The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology is a time-tested most authentic, classical and popular textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.It has no parallel and still is in high demand by undergraduates, postgraduates, teachers, lawyers and researchers.This current 34th edition has been updated, revised and 150 classical color photographs have b..
Физиология в 2-х томах / Textbook of Physiology (Set of 2 Volumes) Б/у
1400 грн
Повнокольоровий підручник з фізіології в 2-х томах..
Цитологія та кольпоскопія шийки матки
2475 грн
Colposcopy is a procedure for examining the cervix with the goal of preventing cervical cancer. Manual on Cervical Cytology and Colposcopy is a concise guide to this method, and the cellular anatomy of the cervix. The book is divided into three sections; cervical cytology, colposcopy and case studies.The first section covers apparatus required for pap smear ..
Цитологія шийки матки: особливий акцент на рідинній цитології
2750 грн
Cytology is the examination of cells from bodily tissue or fluids in order to determine a diagnosis. It is mainly used to screen for cancer. This handbook is a concise, practical guide to cervical cytology, interpretation of results, and diagnosis of disease.Beginning with an overview of anatomy and normal cytology, the next chapter discusses sample co..
Atlas of Infections in Dermatology
1186 грн
• A diagnostic color atlas of dermatologic infections including bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoaI, and parasitic infestations.• Extensive coverage of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial infections; mycobacterial infections; superficial, subcutaneous, and deep mycoses; and others.• Dedicated chapters on sexually transmitted infections and human immuno..
Chemical Peels A Global Perspective
2028 грн
The book presents authors’ cumulative perspective on chemical peeling agents and individualized approach to the patient, with an overview of chemical peel selection, indications for peeling, proper techniques, risks, and potential complications. This textbook is especially beneficial to practitioners who treat darker skin types (Fitzpatrick IV–VI) and the au..
Dermoscopy, Trichoscopy & Onychoscopy in Diseases of the Pigmented Skin (An Atlas and..
3300 грн
Dermoscopy is a rapidly expanding imaging technique that has caught the fancy of clinicians and patients alike. New observations are still being made to open exciting opportunities for clinical research. This is the revised and updated 2nd edition of Dermoscopy, Trichoscopy and Onychoscopy in Diseases of the Pigmented Skin: An Atlas and Short Text. Several n..
RSSDI’s Insulin Monograph (A Complete Guide to Insulin Therapy)
2300 грн
This monograph on insulin will assist and educate doctors on the nuances of managing insulin therapy. The book has chapters contributed from selected experts in the area of diabetes. The contributors have thoughtfully written concise yet informative compilations of latest information on different aspects related to insulin therapy which will be relevance to ..