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Шкідники зерна (Insect Pests of Stored Grain)
- 4576 грн
- Автор: Ranjeet Kumar
- Издательство: Apple Academic Press
- Год издания: 2017
- Страниц: 412
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Stored products of agriculture and animal origin are attacked by more than 600 species of beetles, 70 species of moths, and about 355 species of mites, causing huge quantitative and qualitative losses and insect contamination in food commodities. This is an important quality control problem. This book, Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies, provides comprehensive coverage of stored product entomology for the sustainable management of insects and other noninsect pests, such as mites, birds, rodents, and fungi, with the aim to mitigate and eliminate these losses of food from grains.
The author, who has studied sustainable and herbal management of stored grain and seed insect pests in his research, considers sustainable management of stored grain insect pests and eco-friendly approaches along with the utilization of waste materials. Starting with a history of stored product entomology from the beginning to the modern era in detail along with an introduction of storage entomology, the book then goes on to cover a range of important issues, including
Significant developments in the field of storage entomology
Classification and identification of important stored grain insects
Major stored product coleopteran and lepidopteran insects that infest stored commodities
Estimation of losses caused by stored grain insect pests
Factors responsible for infestation of stored grain insects
Different storage structures
Alternative methods for the management of stored grain insects by utilization of behavior modification techniques or utilization of secondary metabolites of plants
Fumigation of stored grains for the protection of infestation
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies covers a vast amount of valuable information on stored product entomology for the sustainable management of insects and other noninsect pests.
- ISBN: 9781771885034
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 920г