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Тайська і китайська кухня: 400 рецептів (400 Thai And Chinese: Delicious Recipes For Healthy Living)
- 750 грн
- Автор: Jane Bamforth, Maggie Pannell and Jenni Fleetwood
- Издательство: Anness Publishing
- Год издания: 2019
- Страниц: 512
- Склад: В наличии
The cuisines of South-East Asia are among the most
popular in the world and, with their fresh ingredients and
quick cooking techniques, they are also among the
healthiest. This book brings together 400 delicious recipes
that show how easy it can be to enjoy the tastes, textures
and aromas of South-East Asian cooking while maintaining
a healthy diet. Chapters cover soups; appetizers; light bites;
vegetarian main courses; fish; shellfish; chicken and duck;
lamb, pork and beef; rice; noodles; vegetables and side
dishes; pickles and salads; cold desserts; and hot desserts.
Beautifully illustrated with 1600 photographs, this is the
perfect volume for lovers of healthy, tasty, aromatic food.
- ISBN: 9781780190747
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 220 x 168 мм
- Вес: 1,500г