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Рецепти вегетаріанських страв (Vegetarian. 150 delicious dishes)
- 390 грн
- Автор: Emma Summer
- Издательство: Anness Publishing
- Год издания: 2013
- Страниц: 224
- Склад: В наличии
Healthy and nutritious, the vegetarian diet offers not only an ethically sound approach to eating but also a variety of exciting and delicious ingredients and access to many of the world’s best-loved cuisines. The recipes in this book are divided into sections featuring soups, appetizers, salads, main meals, side dishes and desserts. There are dishes for every palate and a wide-ranging mix of vegetarian recipes from around the globe. Sample an enticing Mediterranean One-Crust Pie, a delicately-spiced Tagine of Yam, Carrots and Prunes, or an elegant classic such as Stilton-stuffed Mushrooms Baked in Breadcrumbs. In addition to a wealth of recipes, the book explores the vegetarian larder: from fruit, vegetables, beans and legumes to dairy and soya produce and pasta, rice and grains. Illustrated throughout, this is the ultimate resource for the vegetarian cook wanting to expand their repertoire, and embark on a healthier lifestyle.
- ISBN: 9781780192536
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Інтегральна
- Размер: 215 х 215 мм
- Вес: 500г