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Современные технологии овощеводства (Vegetable Production and Practices)
- 2060 грн
- Автор: Gregory E Welbaum
- Издательство: CABI Publishing
- Год издания: 2015
- Страниц: 486
- Склад: В наличии
This comprehensive new textbook takes a scientific approach to explaining the principles of modern conventional and sustainable commercial vegetable production. The book describes the basic botany of vegetables, environmental requirements for successful growth and development, mineral nutrition, field establishment, harvesting methods and post-harvest handling practices. Professor Gregory E. Welbaum is a former commercial vegetable grower whose family farm has been involved in crop production for several generations. He has taught both classroom and online vegetable crop classes at Virginia Tech for over two decades. Vegetable Production and Practices has been specifically designed to accompany courses in vegetable crop production, so is ideally suited to inspire students in crop and horticultural sciences, as well as provide a useful reference for experienced practitioners.
- ISBN: 9781845938024
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,000г