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The Great Big Baking Book: Over 200 Recipes
- 364 грн
- Автор: Carole Clements
- Издательство: Anness Publishing
- Год издания: 2015
- Страниц: 256
- Склад: Товар закончился
этот товар закончился
Delectable recipes for every kind of bake, cake, bread, biscuit and tempting teatime treat A one-stop collection to meet all your needs, from everyday bread rolls to celebration party gateaux Includes classic international specialties such as Italian Almond Biscotti, American Pumpkin Pie and English Scones All techniques explained, whether you are making a simple shortbread or mastering the sumptuous Lemon Coconut Layer Cake Easy-to-follow photographs guide you through every stage of preparation and encourage you to bake with confidence This book explores a huge range of exciting baking ideas, ensuring that you can bake with complete confidence. It covers everything from rustic cookies and breads to sumptuous cakes and sophisticated tortes, as well as explaining basic techniques, traditional baking secrets and modern innovations. Chapters include Biscuits, Cookies & Bars; Buns & Tea Breads; Yeast Breads; Pies & Tarts; and Cakes & Gâteaux and all are simple to follow. A special section of party cakes brings creative cake decoration within everyone s reach. Open the book to discover all the joys of baking, and create enticing home-made treats to share with your family and friends.
- ISBN: 978-1780194745
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 500г