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Scientific American Nutrition (Наукові дієтичні рекомендації США на 2020-2025рр)
3500 грн
Updated with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025, Nutrition for a Changing World, Second Edition is now available in Macmillan Learning’s breakthrough online platform, Achieve—a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools co-designed with instructors and students using a foundation of learning research and rigorous testing.Wr..
Основи нейропсихології людини (Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology)
3500 грн
Recent research and classroom experience combine in this engaging and accessible textbookFundamentals of Human Neuropsychology continues to keep pace with its dynamic field. Authors draw on recent research and their own clinical and lab experience to guide their development of the content. Using their experience in the classroom they present comp..
Основы биохимии Ленинджера/ Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
4250 грн
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8e continues to help students navigate the complex discipline of biochemistry with a clear and coherent presentation. Renowned authors David Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins have focused this eighth edition around the fundamental principles to help students understand and navigate the most import..
Психологія (Psychology)
3490 грн
The up-to-date content and research you can trust from the go-to author team in introductory psychology.Myers’ Psychology continues to be shaped by basic goals David Myers established at the outset, to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present a multicultural perspective on psychology, so all st..
Психологія здоров'я. Біопсихосоціальний підхід (Health Psychology A Biopsychosocial A..
3990 грн
The most accessible, current and engaging introduction to health psychology today.Health Psychology shows students how psychology and health are interconnected. Using real world examples, Straub encourages students to make meaningful connections between the science of health psychology and their own everyday experience. The text is comprehensive in its..
Психопатологія: наука і практика (Psychopathology: Science and Practice)
3250 грн
The trusted bestseller in its most current and inclusive version yet. In this landmark edition of Psychopathology (formerly Abnormal Psychology), Ronald Comer and Jonathan Comer guide readers in understanding the latest research in the context of the world today. It integrates a developmental psychopathology approach, advances in understanding brain circuitr..
Психофармакологія (Julien's Primer of Drug Action)
4200 грн
The ideal text for students new to pharmacology based on the latest research and newest formulations.Julien’s Primer of Drug Action continues to evolve side by side with the field it covers providing a thoroughly up to date look at psychotherapeutic and recreational drugs, including the latest research and the newest formulations. It introduces important con..
Судова та юридична психологія (Forensic and Legal Psychology. Psychological Science A..
2990 грн
How psychological science can be used to promote justiceMark Costanzo and Daniel Krauss’s text show students how psychological science can be used to reduce crime, improve legal decision making, and promote justice. Fully integrated discussions of real cases and trials, along with other examples of the legal system in action, show how research and theory can..