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Революція в лікуванні виразки ніг (Leg Ulcer Treatment Revolution)
- 660 грн
- Автор: Mark S Whiteley
- Издательство: Whiteley publishing ltd
- Год издания: 2018
- Страниц: 136
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Most venous leg ulcers can be CURED.
Not healed temporarily with dressings and compression, only to come back again – but cured.
So why is this revolutionary?
Because most patients are not given the chance of a cure. Patients with leg ulcers are consigned to a life of dressings and compression – and are not told that they might be cured with local anaesthetic vein treatments, performed as walk-in, walk-out procedures. Professor Mark Whiteley is an internationally renowned venous surgeon who has spent over 20 years researching venous disease and treatments. He performed the first endovenous surgery in the UK (March 1999), invented the TRLOP procedure in 2001 and founded The Whiteley Clinic in 2003 as a specialist venous clinic – now called Whiteley Clinics. This book is aimed at anyone who has a venous leg ulcer, or who deals with patients who have venous leg ulcers – either as a carer or as a healthcare professional. Written simply and well-illustrated, it takes the reader from first principles through the investigation and treatments of venous leg ulcers – showing how compression and dressings can be avoided in most patients who can walk. With the changing face of medical research, new guidelines and litigation, anyone who has a venous leg ulcer, or who works with those that suffer from venous leg ulcers, should be aware of the messages in this book.
- ISBN: 978-1908586056
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 500г