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Диагностическая визуализация (Diagnostic Imaging)
- 2800 грн
- Автор: Andrea G. Rockall
- Издательство: WILEY
- Год издания: 2013
- Страниц: 528
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Diagnostic Imaging will help medical students, junior doctors, residents and trainee radiologists understand the principles behind interpreting all forms of imaging. Providing a balanced account of all the imaging modalities available – including plain film, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide imaging and interventional radiology – it explains the techniques used and the indications for their use.
Organised by body system, it covers all anatomical regions. In each region the authors discuss the most suitable imaging technique and provide guidelines for interpretation, illustrating clinical problems with normal and abnormal images.
Diagnostic Imaging is extensively illustrated throughout, featuring high quality full-colour images and more than 600 photographs. The images are downloadable in PowerPoint format from the brand new companion website, which also has over 100 interactive MCQs, to aid learning and teaching.
When you purchase the book you also receive access to the Wiley E-Text: Powered by VitalSource. This is an interactive digital version of the book, featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note-taking facilities, bookmarking, cross-referencing, in-text searching, and linking to references and abbreviations. Diagnostic Imaging is also available on CourseSmart, offering extra functionality as well as an immediate way to access the book.
The Anytime, Anywhere Textbook x
1 Technical Considerations 1
2 Chest 19
3 Cardiac Disorders 101
with the assistance of Dr Francesca Pugliese
4 Breast Imaging 123
with the assistance of Dr Sarah Vinnicombe
5 Plain Abdomen 129
6 Gastrointestinal Tract 141
7 Hepatobiliary System, Spleen and Pancreas 195
8 Urinary Tract 223
9 Female Genital Tract 273
10 Peritoneal Cavity and Retroperitoneum 291
11 Bones 309
with the assistance of Dr Kasthoori Jayarani
12 Joints 347
with the assistance of Dr Kasthoori Jayarani
13 Spine 369
with the assistance of Dr Rob Barker
14 Skeletal Trauma 399
with the assistance of Dr Muaaze Ahmad
15 Brain 427
with the assistance of Dr Rob Barker
16 Orbits, Head and Neck 457
with the assistance of Dr Polly Richards
17 Vascular and Interventional Radiology 471
Appendix: Computed Tomography Anatomy of the Abdomen 491
Index 497
- ISBN: 978-0-470-65890-1
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,000г