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Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines (ISSG) 16th edition
- 6864 грн
- Издательство: IATA
- Год издания: 2019
- Склад: Под заказ
Based on the latest edition of the, the Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines (ISSG) includes information regarding the transport of biological products, clinical waste, exempt human specimens and exempt animal specimens.
The ISSG provides guidelines on how to properly ship infectious substances by any mode of transport anywhere in the world.
The Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines includes everything you need to know about shipping infectious substances safely such as:
- Information of the transport of biological products, clinical waste, exempt human specimens and exempt animal specimens
- Information applicable to the transport of infectious substances by other modes of transport including sea, road, rail and through mail and courier systems
- Provides training requirements, examples of actual documentation, and updated images detailing shipping scenarios have been updated to reflect the current reality
- How-to checklists cover every step of the shipping process including classification, identification, packaging, marking, labelling and handlin
- Guidelines that are outlined in a convenient, easy-to-read manual with up-to-date information including all the changes to the ICAO Technical Instructions
This manual is recommended for shippers, carriers, receivers and consignees who ship infectious substances such as:
- Laboratory and research professionals
- Health and medical professionals (for both humans and animals)
- Airline cargo acceptance agents
- Freight forwarders
- Pharmaceutical company employees
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 210 х 300 мм
- Вес: 2,000г