(067) 443-93-97, (050) 443-93-99

Intelligent Control of Robotic Systems

  • 5200 грн
  • Автор: Laxmidhar Behera and others
  • Издательство: CRC Press
  • Год издания: 2020
  • Страниц: 696
  • Склад: Под заказ

This book illustrates basic principles, along with the development of the advanced algorithms, to realize smart robotic systems. It speaks to strategies by which a robot (manipulators, mobile robot, quadrotor) can learn its own kinematics and dynamics from data. In this context, two major issues have been dealt with; namely, stability of the systems and experimental validations. Learning algorithms and techniques as covered in this book easily extend to other robotic systems as well. The book contains MATLAB- based examples and c-codes under robot operating systems (ROS) for experimental validation so that readers can replicate these algorithms in robotics platforms.

  • ISBN: 9781138597716
  • Язык издания: EN
  • Обложка: Тверда
  • Размер: 170 х 240 мм
  • Вес: 1,000г

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