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Біотехнологія лікувально-косметичних засобів з рослинних компонентів (Applications in Plant Biotechnology)
- 3300 грн
- Автор: Abdullah Makhzoum, Kathleen Hefferon
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 2024
- Страниц: 364
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
The book focuses on interesting topics in plant biotechnology and its applications. The first section covers a number of specific medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites using genetic and metabolic engineering. The pharmaceutical uses of these plant bioactive compounds and their applications in treating a variety of diseases including cancer, as well as recent works on in silico and bioinformatic analysis are described. The second section deals with innovative plant molecular pharming approaches and reviews the potential for using various plant host systems to design and produce effective new drugs to treat different illnesses and diseases such as HIV, infectious diseases, and other human and livestock diseases.
Part 1: Plant Secondary Metabolism
1. Withania somnifera: A Future Pharma Factory
2. Biotechnological Approaches for Tropane Alkaloids Production
3. Anticancer Mechanisms of Plant Secondary Metabolism
4. In silico and Computational Analysis of Plant Secondary Metabolites from African Medicinal Plants
5. Botany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicity of the Southern African Strychnos Species
6. Preference of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Mediated Transformation of Angiosperms
Part 2: Plant Molecular Pharming
7. Plant Molecular Pharming: Methods, Tools, Challenges Ahead for Production of Recombinant Proteins, and Potential Solutions
8. Plant-based Vaccines against Livestock Diseases: Way to Achieve Several Sustainable Development Goals
9. Chloroplast Biotechnology Tools for Industrial and Clinical Application
10. Plant Virus-Based Expression Vectors and their Applications in Foreign Protein/Antigen Expression
11. Plant Molecular Pharming of Biologics to Combat HIV
- ISBN: 9781032398242
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,000г