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Independently published
Military Drones: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) (Військові дрони: безпілотні літальні..
900 грн
Over the last 20 years, the role of unmanned aircraft systems in modern warfare has grown at an unprecedented rate. No longer simply used for intelligence, data collection or reconnaissance, drones are routinely used for target acquisition and to strike enemy targets with missiles and bombs. Organized by nationality, Military Drones offers a compact guide to..
The Slate Roof Bible : Everything You Need to Know About the World's Finest Roof
2100 грн
Joseph Jenkins climbed on his first slate roof in 1968, authored the first edition of The Slate Roof Bible in 1997, and published the second edition in 2003. Both editions received national awards. Now, a dozen years later, Jenkins is still very active in the slate roofing industry.The third edition of the book reflects more than a decade of additional exper..