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IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods
- 9152 грн
- Издательство: IMO
- Год издания: 2021
- Склад: В наличии
Доступны опции:
IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods – IMDG (2 Volumes)
2020 edition – incl. Amendment 40-20
Many maritime countries have taken steps to regulate the carriage of dangerous goods by sea, based on the safety considerations set out in parts A and A-1 of chapter VII of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended. More recently, as marine pollution has become a serious concern, countries have taken further steps to regulate the carriage of marine pollutants, as described in Annex III of MARPOL. The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, which was first published in 1965, amplifies the requirements of both Conventions and has become the standard guide to all aspects of handling dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea transport.
What’s in it
The IMDG Code lays down basic principles: detailed recommendations for individual substances, materials and articles, and a number of recommendations for good operational practice, including advice on terminology, packing, labelling, stowage, segregation and handling, and emergency response action.
Who uses it
Although the information in the Code is directed primarily at the mariner, its provisions may affect a range of industries and services: manufacturers, packers, shippers, feeder services such as road and rail, and port authorities will find reliable advice on terminology, packing, labelling, classification, stowage, segregation, and emergency response action.
The two-volume Code is divided into seven parts:
Volume 1 (parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Code) contains sections on:
• general provisions, definitions and training
• classification • packing and tank provisions • consignment procedures
• construction and testing of packagings, IBCs, large packagings, portable tanks, MEGCs and road tank vehicles
• transport operations
Volume 2 contains part 3 (Dangerous Goods List, special provisions and exceptions), appendices A and B (generic and N.O.S. Proper Shipping Names, and glossary of terms) and an index
The 2020 edition will be voluntary starting 1 January 2021 and become mandatory on 1 January 2022.
- ISBN: 9789280100501
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 220 х 290 мм
- Вес: 4,500г