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Гематологічний Атлас (Anderson's Atlas Of Hematology)
- 4400 грн
- Автор: Shauna C. Anderson Young
- Издательство: Jones and Bartlett Publishers
- Год издания: 2020
- Страниц: 614
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Anderson's Atlas of Hematology, Third Edition is the most comprehensive atlas for the laboratory technologist. This text meets the needs of beginning hematology students in 2-year and 4-year medical laboratory science programs or students in programs learning the basics of hematology such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical students. Used as a quick reference, study guide, or atlas, this is an invaluable tool for today's laboratory technician student.
The Third Edition is divided into two units. Unit One: Cell Descriptions, features three sections covering blood cells, bone marrow, and cytochemistry. For each cell type, there is a description of the cell size, nucleus, and cytoplasm as well as a list of associated clinical disorders.
Unit Two: Hematologic Disorders, includes three sections dedicated to red blood cell disorders, white blood cell disorders, and miscellaneous disorders. For each disorder, there’s a summary of pathology as well as clinical and laboratory features. In addition, a diagnostic scheme sets forth the relevant laboratory findings that lead to the delineation of each disorder.
- ISBN: 9781975118259
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 180 х 255 мм
- Вес: 1,000г