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Уход за садом и декоративные растения (Garden techniques and garden plants)
- 1320 грн
- Автор: Jonathan Edwards and Andrew Mikolajski
- Издательство: Anness Publishing
- Год издания: 2012
- Страниц: 512
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Essential gardening skills and tasks, and a guide to 3000 plants, with more than 1900 photographs and illustrations
Whether you are an experienced gardener or a complete beginner, these two authoritative reference books contain everything you need to know about planning, planting and maintaining your garden, and choosing the best plants to suit your location. The Visual Encyclopedia of Garden Techniques includes all the essential gardening skills, such as improving your soil and planting flowers, shrubs and trees. The Visual Encyclopedia of Garden Plants is the perfect companion for selecting the best plants to create a beautiful and uniquely personal garden. With practical advice and over 1900 photographs, these informative books are indispensable for any gardener.
- ISBN: 9780754825142
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 145 х 215 мм
- Вес: 2,000г