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Генітальна дерматологія (Genital Dermatology Manual)
- 5750 грн
- Автор: Elizabeth Edwards and Peter Lynch
- Издательство: Wolters Kluwer
- Год издания: 2022
- Страниц: 448
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Practical and highly illustrated, Genital Dermatology Manual, 4th Edition, by Drs. Libby Edwards and Peter J. Lynch, helps clinicians at all levels of experience arrive at an accurate diagnosis for both common and rare genital dermatologic lesions. More than 500 full-color photographs are arranged by appearance for rapid identification, offering superb visual guidance even for conditions not previously encountered. This easy-to-use reference is ideal for any clinician who sees men and women with disorders of the external genitalia, including dermatologists, gynecologists, urologists, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants.
- Arranges core chapters by disease presentation, such as patches and plaques, papules and nodules, and ulcers
- Includes variable morphologies, making it easier to arrive at a correct diagnosis even when encountering an atypical appearance of a common condition—for example, herpes simplex virus infection is discussed in chapters on blisters, erosions and ulcers, and special issues of immunosuppressed patients
- Updates include more clinical photographs throughout; an expanded therapy section including sinus tract un-roofing, vestibulectomy, lysis of adhesions and therapy of clitoral pseudocyst and phimosis; a new chapter on patient education; and new coverage of transgender and cosmetic issues
- Features chapters on special issues such as symptoms (itching and pain), immunosuppression, and pediatric, psychologic, and geriatric aspects of genital conditions
- Offers increased information on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as patient handouts suitable for copying and distribution
- ISBN: 9781975161453
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 220 х 290 мм
- Вес: 1,000г