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Cakes and Cake Decorating
- 364 грн
- Автор: Angela Nilsen
- Издательство: Anness Publishing
- Год издания: 2014
- Страниц: 256
- Склад: Товар закончился
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этот товар закончился
This is a complete guide to cake decorating techniques, with over 100 projects, from traditional classics to the latest in contemporary designs. It shows you how to make stunning cakes for special occasions such as weddings, christenings, birthdays and Christmas. It offers step-by-step instructions for mastering the techniques of working with royal icing, sugarpaste, fondant, marzipan, frostings, glace icing and chocolate. Recipes include Madeira Cake, Victoria Sandwich, Upside-Down Pear and Ginger Cake, and Black Forest Gateau. This clear and comprehensive book takes the reader through all the essential cake making and cake decorating skills. It begins with recipes for classic sponge and fruit cakes, and simple icings and frostings for quick and easy finishing. Next, there is guidance on creative embellishments and decorations, from ribbons, flowers, sweets, nuts and crystallized fruits to home-made chocolate run-outs, curls and cut-outs. The book also contains 100 step-by-step projects, using the techniques and skills acquired, to make beautiful cakes for every occasion. The detailed instructional photography guarantees great results every time.
- ISBN: 978-1780193342
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М`яка
- Размер: 165 х 220 мм
- Вес: 500г