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Confectionery Science and Technology
- 3432 грн
- Автор: Hartel R.
- Издательство: Springer
- Год издания: 2018
- Страниц: 536
- Склад: Под заказ
This book examines both the primary ingredients and the processing technology for making candies. In the first section, the chemistry, structure, and physical properties of the primary ingredients are described, as are the characteristics of commercial ingredients. The second section explores the processing steps for each of the major sugar confectionery groups, while the third section covers chocolate and coatings. The manner in which ingredients function together to provide the desired texture and sensory properties of the product is analyzed, and chemical reactions and physical changes that occur during processing are examined. Trouble shooting and common problems are also discussed in each section. Designed as a complete reference and guide, Confectionery Science and Technology provides personnel in industry with solutions to the problems concerning the manufacture of high-quality confectionery products.
- ISBN: 978-3-319-61742-8
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Вес: 1,000г