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- 5834 грн
- Автор: José Quero-Garcia, Amy Iezzoni, Joanna Pulawska, Gregory Lang
- Издательство: CABI Publishing
- Год издания: 2017
- Страниц: 550
- Склад: Под заказ
Sweet and sour cherries (Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus) are important fruit crops for which demand is high and growing. A significant number of new varieties, rootstocks and training systems have been released or developed in recent years in order to improve the efficiency and profitability of cherry orchards.
Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses covers the genetics, ecophysiology, production, protection and uses of cherries. Presenting up-to-date scientific data and applied information, this book is invaluable for researchers, teachers and all professionals working in the cherries value chain.
- ISBN: 9781780648378
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,000г