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Ветеринарна гематологія, клінічна хімія та цитологія (Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology)
- 4600 грн
- Автор: Mary Anna Thrall
- Издательство: WILEY
- Год издания: 2022
- Страниц: 1056
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
A clear and concise guide to veterinary laboratory diagnostic techniques and interpretation
The newly revised Third Edition of Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology delivers a thorough and focused exploration of the basic principles of veterinary lab testing and diagnosis, as well as the cytology, hematology, and chemistry of common domestic and non-domestic species. The book offers readers an expanded wealth of clinical case presentations, providing case data and narrative discussions designed to promote skill development.
The book is packed with information useful to veterinary students, technicians, pathologists, and researchers, and includes access to a companion website that offers clinical cases and the figures from the book in PowerPoint. Heavily and clearly illustrated, with a strong practical emphasis, this latest edition includes a brand-new section on veterinary cytology and a chapter on laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases as well as updated information throughout that keeps pace with the rapidly developing field of clinical pathology.
The book includes:
- A comprehensive overview of laboratory testing and diagnosis principles, with unique emphases on interpretive perspectives and slide preparation techniques.
- A complete treatment of hematopathology of domestic animal species, organized by erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, bone marrow, hemostasis, and transfusion medicine.
- A comprehensive treatment of clinical biochemistry in domestic animals organized by organ system, including electrochemical evaluation of electrolyte and acid-base pathology.
- A complete treatment of domestic animal cytology organized by both common collection sites and principles of inflammation, infectious agents, and neoplasia.
- Complete sections covering practical treatment of hematology and clinical biochemistry of non-domestic mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.
Veterinary Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Cytology is a one-stop reference on veterinary laboratory diagnostic techniques and interpretation ideally suited for veterinary students, veterinary technicians, general practitioners, and specialists
- ISBN: 978-1-119-28640-0
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: Тверда
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 2,000г