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Живлення сільськогосподарських культур
- 3400 грн
- Автор: Nand Kumar Fageria
- Издательство: CRC Press
- Год издания: 2019
- Страниц: 448
- Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней
Put Theory into Practice
Scarcity of natural resources, higher costs, higher demand, and concerns about environmental pollution — under these circumstances, improving food supply worldwide with adequate quantity and quality is fundamental. Based on the author’s more than forty years of experience, The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants builds a bridge between theoretical aspects of mineral nutrition and practical applicability of basic principles of fertilization and use efficiency of essential plant nutrients.
Provides Authoritative and Practical Information
The book explores how to maximize essential nutrients uptake and use efficiency by food crops and how to improve productivity without degrading the environment. It covers nutrients and their cycle in soil-plant systems, functions, and deficiency symptoms. The author includes management strategies that can lead to a reduction in the cost of crop production and environmental degradation. He emphasizes field conditions, crop production, and soil chemistry. Comprehensive coverage of essential nutrients and experimental results are accompanied by tables and figures of updated experimental data that make practical information easily accessible.
A Valuable Tool for Improving Crop Yield
Agricultural science is very dynamic in nature and fertilizer practices change with time due to the release of new cultivars and changing production practices in sustainable crop production systems. The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants provides in-depth scientific information that is applicable through many methods of crop production. It is a valuable tool for improving crop yields at lower cost and less stress on the environment.
- ISBN: 9780367386887
- Язык издания: EN
- Обложка: М'яка
- Размер: 170 х 240 мм
- Вес: 1,820г