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Аналіз стану ґрунту (Soil Health Analysis)

  • 5520 грн
  • Автор: Douglas L. Karlen, Diane E. Stott, Maysoon M. Mikha
  • Издательство: WILEY
  • Год издания: 2021
  • Страниц: 576
  • Склад: Доставка из Англии 15-30 дней

Volume 1 briefly reviews selected “Approaches to Soil Health Analysis” including a brief history of the concept, challenges and opportunities, meta-data and assessment, applications to forestry and urban land reclamation, and future soil health monitoring and evaluation approaches.

Volume 2 focuses on “Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis” including an overview and suggested analytical approaches intended to provide meaningful, comparable data so that soil health can be used to guide restoration and protection of our global soil resources.

  • ISBN: 978-0-891-18988-6
  • Язык издания: EN
  • Обложка: М'яка
  • Размер: 175 х 245мм
  • Вес: 900г

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