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Medical Library Downsizing

  • 1165 грн
  • Автор: Michael Schott
  • Издательство: Routledge
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 172
  • Склад: Под заказ
Learn how to stay ahead of the game when budgets and staff are cut Medical Library Downsizing: Administrative, Professional, and Personal Strategies for Coping with Change explores corporate downsizing and other company-wide events as they relate to medical librarians in their organization. This training manual is designed to help librarians prepare for a new era where shrinking budgets, inflated journal costs, and the increasing demand for new and expensive services now put salaries and jobs at risk. While focused on health care issues, this book will appeal to a general library audience and can be used in a graduate course in library administration, corporate librarianship, or hospital librarianship. Medical Library Downsizing investigates the BCEs (Bad Corporate Events) that can negatively affect a librarian, including: an across-the-board budget cut a downsizing a restructuring (also called a re-organization or re-engineering) a buyout a merger a consolidation With Medical Library Downsizing, you will learn how to prepare for the possibility of a BCE, what signs to look for that a BCE is about to take place, and how to weather the storm. The book provides the typical patterns for a downsizing, budget cut, merger, or pension buyout—teaching you step-by-step to make the most out of each possible scenario. This unique guide uses sardonic wit and entertaining examples to bring home each lesson, making Medical Library Downsizing a vital asset to librarians in any field. Medical Library Downsizing will help you deal with: consultants who recommend downsizing and outsourcing staff communications planning your survival—and your escape route presentations to help you keep your job implementing change re-training staff and more
  • ISBN: 9780789004208
  • Язык издания: EN
  • Обложка: М'яка
  • Размер: 170 х 240 мм
  • Вес: 272г

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