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Кукурудза: вирощування, захист та зберігання (Maize Crop)

  • 10175 грн
  • Автор: A. Solaimalai, P. Anantharaju, S. Irulandi, M. Theradimani
  • Издательство: CRC Press
  • Год издания: 2020
  • Страниц: 694
  • Склад: Под заказ


Maize is one of the versatile emerging crops with wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as queen of cereals because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals. It is cultivated on nearly 150 m/ha in about 160 countries having wider diversity of soil, climate, biodiversity and management practices that contributes 36 % (782 m/t) in the global grain production. The United States of America (USA) is the largest producer of maize contributes nearly 35 % of the total production in the world. It is the driver of the US economy. This book talks about the improvement, production, protection and post harvest technology of the maize crop. Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
  • ISBN: 9780367546946
  • Язык издания: EN
  • Обложка: Тверда
  • Размер: 170 х 240 мм
  • Вес:

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